Friday, 20 November 2020

Five important ways to keep a healthy relationship"cliff dboss"

Keeping a healthy relationship is an elusive tasks that entails totality for personal sacrifice to tolerate one another. Many relationship has been packed up due to poor tolerance emanating from such a grumpied partner who evidently see, s fault in all his/her doings as human. Two people coming together to forge a singular visions and achieve God given potentials, somewhat comes with alot of submitting to one another if such relationship must be productive.  Remember, two adult can not be together without some element of misunderstanding whatsoever. Ur family upbringing and that  of his, is differently pleasant or unpleasant. Therefore, don't expect him or her to act the way u want it to become . We are two different individuals whose visions, perceptions, cultural, education, social lifestyles differs from one another. Look, what makes any productive relationship going, is submissiveness and sufficient understanding. Dear friends, let me quickly give u the five essential elements that give a healthy relationship. 

(1)caring:caring is an act that is capable of given ur partner a nice sense of belongings in any relationship. Any relationship with lack of care, oftentimes heats  the rock. How often do u call him or her daily? How often do u chat her at ur convenient time? How often do u pay her a visit when she could not make it to ur house? How often do u give to her some cash even if is a little? When ever we show cares to one another, it energies more love and eliminate some ill mindset against one another. Learn how to show care. 

(2)social media attitude :social media has giving us great advantage to relate with our love ones irrespective of our locations. Now, what do u do when his messages on Facebook, twitter, or WhatsApp pops up when ever u open ur social media account? Do u know that some people are in the habit of ignoring messages especially when such message is an old message. Look, if ur partner sent u a message asking u, how was ur night? Dear friends, it does not matter how old the message was sent. If at all it takes u three days to log into ur account and u come across such message, pls say my night was good. It does not matter the time u are presently. Be it morning, afternoon, or night. U must reply her messages if really u love her. Stop the habit of been full of urself. Just me and I. What on earth would make someone who cares about u, asking u, how are u doing? And ur reply is fyn. Imagine ur spelling of fine u couldn't spelt correctly yet u will not ask him or her"and urs? Look, social media is all about relating to one another in which ever ways that account was opened for. If I ask u, how was ur weekend? And u said, fyn without asking and urs?  babe, u will wait until when christ will come before I will chat u again. Ofcourse my friends I do have their contacts knows that. That is not arrogance but a laid down principle. Don't force ur self on people. Who ever that wants to be left alone, pls assist him or her to be left alone. I sincerly see many guys writing or chatting their girls on Facebook, they will say hi babe, she will not reply, he will continue, how are u doing today babe?  she will be online  yet will not reply u! The foolish guy will now say have u eating today? She will not still reply u. Guy why don't u respect ur self and leave her alone. Is obvious ur chat to her annoys her. She loves someone else not u. Remember, several girls do not like guys who chats and call them often. They see ur chats or calling her often as disturbance. Vice sa versa. A guy who don't care about her and do not call often, the day he will call, she will be glad to pick his call as well as saying with excitement "hmm James, this one u remembered me today. And if she misses ur call she will get credit to call back. Lol. Anyway, is good to show care for one another often if u want a healthy relationship. 

(3)virginity stupidity. Do u know that 95 percent of girls who glaringly claims to be a virgin actually allows guys to do other things with their body? U know what I mean. Look, a virgin is a lady or a girl that does not know men or met a guy in the bedroom. U allows him do all the oral stuff, u even went oral too with him, yet u said ur a virgin? Lol. For me, I don't ascribed to that. I must know what am looking for, taste its sweetness before marriage. Afterall, having a broken relationship, is better than having a broken marriage. Don't come and tell ur parents that the reason why u left ur matrimonial home was because the man can't perform! A word is enough for the wise. 

(4)learn how to give to ur man what ever u can afford:this is for the ladies. Every responsible men, wants a productive woman. What are u bringing to the table? Stop been idle. If u lack job, pls look for one. Responsibility in a relationship is for the both parties.stop believing that every financial responsibility is only for the men. Yet u advocate for gender equality? Lol. If what a man can do, women can do better. Then stop being a house wife. Be a career woman or a business woman. Imagine a partner coming to celebrate her fiancee birthday with nothing. Not even an ordinary BYC singlet for that guy as a gift? Relationship is all about relating with one another emotionally, educationally, financially, and spiritually otherwise. Don't be a liability. 


(5)Be submissive to one another :Been submissive produces a quality nutrients that strengthen any relationship. The man must submit to his partner too. These has nothing to do with culture. Don't build ur relationship in an autocratic manner where the woman will have no say or her own choices. The ingredients that gives peace a chance in any relationship, is when the both parties respects each others boundaries. Stop encroaching to her privacy. Stop picking her calls, stop going through her social media chats. Respect her wishes. Women generally loves respect. So respect her womanhood. 

Afteral any respect compelled through autocratic ways, does not last. Be a democrat. 

Love one another in one accord. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka CLIFF dboss. Every other titles, are kept pending until we are sure no lives was lost at lekki tollgate. 

For more info:mail me@

mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail. Com

Friday, 6 November 2020

How to attract a clean rich guys"cliff dbosss"

 These significant topic, will afford every young ladies who are desirous to have any man of her dream to her custody if these tools are impeccably applied. Every woman, has a choice, desired to be taking care of, loves good looking young men, loves hardworking men who can afford their luxury and extravagant lifestyles like Regina Daniels. But forgot to understand that class is the hallmark for such a material desires.A classless woman, should prepare to marry a classless man. There is no magic about that. I often hears alot of women do say, I will love to marry wizkid, Davido, and other supper rich celebrities. Some will say"cliff dboss pls connect me to this super rich celebrities. I humor at their ignorance because they refused to identify the boundaries for their class. We have never asked ourselves why governors daughters, ministers, senators, judges, and other big personalities often times gets married within their rich circles? Look here miss dreamer, ur dream will definitely be cut short because the foundation of ur parent with abject poverty, is a yard stick for u to remain poor except u do the following to alleviate ur poor status to a rich status. Just imagine a friend of mine saying he would like to marry Hannah buhari who is the daughter of our current president. And I asked him, where? How? When?and what level does he think can connect them together? The school they attend, is not for the poor, the church they attend, they are giving front seat where u can't come closed to them, except the daughter of our current vice president who was attending church drama with me at trinity house in a disguised. Back then, her father was just picked as runningmate to pmb 2010.i noticed she was asking me alot of questions but I didn't give her face cos she was not that beautiful then! But I thankGod for Tola Johnson who was the director drama department at trinity house who never shy away from the awesome opportunity! Today, he is the SSA to the vice president on SME! Even the club they attend, is VIPs where u will be bounced back! So tell me? Where would u come closed to them? U better know ur class and don't allow ur beauty deceived u! Some of the girls where even saying, "if Davido can marry chioma who was a no body, they can also marry a well known personalities! For ur information, chioma did not come from a poor home! She was never poor before davido met her. If u listen to davido assurance, listen from the verse"am looking for a sister"chioma my love! He goes on with the verse! "She geti dollars, she go follow me go Atlanta. Look here, davido made it abundantly clear to u girls that chioma was never a pauper, but a young lady swimming with some dollars! So wake up miss dreamers. Anyways, for u to attract a rich guy of ur choice, do the following :

(1)take a profession in entertainment :pretty ladies that knows the importance of their beauty.  uses their beauty  judiciously and get what they want! Rumors hard it that Genevieve once dated atiku Abubaka! Do u think if not for fame, no matter how pretty she looks, Atiku will not notice her beauty cos she had no class then.  But because she is somebody and a superstar, he identified her! Entertainment can make u meet with the president. Imagine if  someone like Ebuka of bbnaija anchor , wants to marry the daughter of a president, do u agree with me that there is possibilities in that? Dear friends,entertainment paves way! 

(2)workhard to become celebrated in ur proffession. 

(3)visit cinemas 

(4)look good with nice smells 

(5)have good manners while in the public places cos u never can tell who is admiring u! 

Tanx for reading. Know whom u are and work hard for ur bogus dream. I wish u the best of luck. 

My name is Clifford igwe. Aka cliff dboss. For the sake of end SARS protest, every other titles suspended for now until we get justice. 


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...