Wednesday 20 May 2020

northern politics of Amajiri migration by"cliff dboss"

Nigeria as a country with the Population over 200 million citizens ,has been occasioned by myriads of Challenges which has marred adequate national  growth and development virtually in every human endeavors ..due to poor and visionless leadership instituted by the genocrats .whose sole aims is to cripple the brighter futures of the younger generation. These however, has brought nothing but untold hardship, agony, media bullies, pogroms,and It's apocalyptic effects to the Nigeria populace. Human lives has lost its sanctity as well as becoming absolutely invaluable where some religious extremist religiously strike at human lives has remained unapologetic and disconscience for their crime due to government inability to prosecute and bring the crime offenders to justice. Look, politics is entirely sacrosanct to human existence ,and we can not do away with politics because we are by nature a political animals not political animosity. Politics must work inline with pragmatic leadership.what this ideologically means, is that when is time for politics, we must all play politics, and when is time for good susbstainable governance, all hands must be on the deck to obliterate poor leadership style. We must get started to be fully involved in politics if the politics played by the old folks are nothing to write home about in order to re-write the wrongs by making our society a responsible place not just for the prospect of The younger ones but for the generation yet unborn.our politicians must realize that a leader must work in accordance with  public demands not some forms of personal or sectional demands. The Better We work in unison for national pursuit, the better we achieve our core purpose for human  existence  .and I asked, must we all play tribal politics in a country with multi -ethnic group which collectively decided to be amalgamated in 1914 irrespective of our differences in religious background, ethnic hegemony,and educational differences, yet the vision of our founding fathers was for the unity and betterment of our one nigerianess which some of the greedy and uneducated present crops of political leaders had brought to a state of disunity and poor decisions making that only favours some section of the country which we rhetorically claimed to be belonging to all. They came up with the idea of ruga settlement,we Challenged them with the best of Our abilities and such illed conceived ideology was completely discarded because the Nigeria populace never welcomed the idea for ruga settlement. Now, they are coming up with something that almost have vivid semblance with ruga Saga just for the politics of 2023 presidency.. It is glaringly indisputable to note that the north are not ready to relinquish power to the south after pmb may have completed his tenure as the must tribalistic president in the history of Nigeria ranging from his lopsided appointments to family and friends occupying sensitive govt positions in the country . Amajiri migration from one respective states to another never kept me astonishingly perturbed because I do know for real that the northern elite will do everything within their power to retain presidency come 2023 due to fear Of illed treatment they May receive from whosoever that may succeed pmb come 2023 Presidency.the northern elite are fully aware that the cloumor for re-structuring will become evidently achieved which may render some of the poor northern states financially incapacitated to carry out any meaningful visible development. The northern elite are also afraid of their people been insecured due to the ravaging effects of the Fulani helmsmen attack to the innocent Nigerians. They also feared that their people may become more poorer and more vulnerable if power is been relinquished to the south. Now look carefully and understand the true essence for this topic.this topic talks about the brain behind amajiri migration to the south which is a clearer indication of Making the northern populace to exercise unabated power over other parts of the south to achieving their aims for retaining presidency beyond 2023.constitutionally,for any presidential candidate to be declared winner for any democratic election, he or she must achieved or secured  at least 25 percent votes across the 36 states of Nigeria including federal capital territory. This political permutations will never favor the north if they eventually present a northern candidate to contest against any southern candidate. This however was democratically drafted to The constitution to avoid political domination against other parts of the country that births one nigerianess Which some of The greedy northern elites Wants to destroy for self serving purposes. The hidden essence for Amajiri migration is to get domination over the southern states before 2023 with an uncontrollable child bearing and relative migration too. Relatively, this howerver is to get the 25 percent votes from the southern states in order to declare any of their candidate winner since the southern states will never dance to their political gimmicks or ploy to cripple the south with their unexplainable population index.. Don't also forget that Rumour had it that underaged voting was Excruciatingly visible in the north during the 2015 Presidential election Which saw the emergence of pmb as Nigerian president. Uncontestablly, the north has the highest population which has made them Believed they have the Political will power to restle presidency from the south if a northern candidate is been presented to vye for presidency come 2023.but the sacrosantity for their defeat will only come when the South unites together not To assume the position of a runningmate to any of the northern presidential candidate come 2023.we must all work in one accord to deny them the 25 percent votes from each of the southern states. In doing this, it will politically signal to them that no part of the country in Nigeria is politically inconsequential and unviable. Power will always remain transient not permanent as some of the northern elite may believe.
He who fights his enemies with poor knowledge about his enemy capabilities, is already defeated before the fight begun.
My name is Clifford Igwe aka cliff dboss, prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc, movie producer, exponent of political psychology, author"introduction to political psychology, and. The man  blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe.

For more info.

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