Sunday 24 November 2019


Friendship is the act of two things or humans coming together in assisting each other to achieve personal set goals as well as strengthen each other where there are weaknesses.from the above definition, we clearly understood some underlined key factors. Which is to helping one achieve set goals where he or she lacks the ultimate power in getting things done.A friendship with no benefit,is an unproductive friendship and must be completely discarded as nothing but an illusion and mere sophistry.every relationship, is dependant not independent. The capacity to necessitate actions or activities that is rewardingly helpful to the overall wellbeing of ur partner,is never negotiable. The better we understand this,the more we carry ourselves along when the table of success becomes Rosy. A friend who is unhelpful to ur visions and aspirations, is never a productive friend but one whose mindset is fully occupied with some unreasonable thought processes that are inimical to a progressive engagement. As such,one must be very observantly careful in chosen friendship. A friend whose mindset is obviously blind with poor visions, will never see any thing good  with ur dreams and aspirations.
(1)TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY FRIENDSHIP, U MUST HAV A GREAT SENSE OF EMPATHY. Do u know that a good friend will always put his or her self in ur shoes when ever your in any difficult situations or challenges? A friend who only wrapped his or her self to u when things are going well with u and suddenly vanished into the tin air when things goes though, is never a friend but an enemy in disguise. A good friend,will work assiduously with his or her  best friend to surmount any challenges confronting his or her partner.good friends are known on the ground for ur life confronting challenges not rosy moments.
(2)A GOOD FRIEND,KEEPS ALL UR  SECRETS ONLY TO HIM SHELF. Do u also agree with me that there are many friendship who deliberately divulge the confidential secret of his partners to the third party? Now listen to me,When ur friend began to discussed ur matters meant to be left secret to a third party,is an avenue for u to sense she is not happy with u out of enviness and jealousy. No good friend gossips his or her friend with the third party and comes back to him or her to pretending  to be perceived as been a good friend!every good friend,ordinarily, is ur chief confidante. When he or she now see,s ur confidential discussions as an entertainment to entertain a third party,then there is a problem awaiting to be explode like a time bombs.
(3)EVERY FRIENDSHIP MUST HAVE A DEFINED SET COLLECTIVE OBJECTIVES. what this entails is that,gone are those days when people makes friendship just to be moving around without any destination. These days,every friendship must be thoroughly defined and scrutinized to find out if such friendship have same clear objectives and directional u agree with me that when u literarily goes into any friendship undefined and no set objectives, such relationship terms to truncate every set  objectives laid down by you if both of you differs in ur visions and aspirations.many great ideas has been severely endangered through poor ideological contributions from ur partners who knows nothing concerning the benefit of such visions to u and the society.A good friend offers useful tips on how u can movie ur visions to the next level not only deliberating on the negativism of such visions.
(4)A GOOD FRIENDSHIP, CONTRIBUTES FINANCIALLY TO THE GROWTH OF UR VISIONS. Financial contributions to the growth of any newly birth visions at this point, remained historical to the conveners of such  visions.He who gives to the needy is much more better than he who gives to readymade wealthy man who lives his life in opulence. For example, one millionaire just wakes up one morning and decides to buy a flashy car to the famous African richest man"Alico Dangote when he knows that he Dangote has the financial will power to gift to himself any car of his choice.first,He Dangote will certainly perceived ur car gift to him as a way of seeking for favour from him!this obvious truth,is non contestable. Learn how to give to those who actually deserves for ur gifts and donations.
(5)LEARN HOW TO MAKE UR FRIEND BECOME A GIANT IF TRULY YOU ARE A GIANT IN UR OWN FIELDS.A common maxim states that "is better to be in the midst of Giants when u are a dwarf rather than becoming a giant in the midst of dwarfs. Do u agree with me that when u are a dwarf and find ur self in the midst of giants,they will surely drags u to their level of  giant through there unavoidable wealth of  business or career intellectualism.but when u are a giant in the midst of a dwarf,they will certainly drags u to their levels of dwarfism. A tree can never make a forest.been poor without a vision,is a death sentence on its self.and been rich without making any impacts to help the less privilege ones in the society, is worst than an abject poverty.success are not measured by the numbers of cars or mansions built by u,but the numbers of lives u uplifted from their unwanted conditions to a more comfortable lifestyles. The people u give life when all hopes where lost ,is ur greatest achievement. The impacts u make in ur society, is ur greatest legacies that can stand in the sands of time.A friend without benefit, shouldn't be regarded as one!
The step of an evil friend is often bold when he or she is benefiting from u,but appears a little bit withdrawn when things goes the other wise.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology. And the main blessed with so much knowledge and wisdom. For more

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