Friendship is the act of two things or humans coming together in assisting each other to achieve personal set goals as well as strengthen each other where there are weaknesses.from the above definition, we clearly understood some underlined key factors. Which is to helping one achieve set goals where he or she lacks the ultimate power in getting things done.A friendship with no benefit,is an unproductive friendship and must be completely discarded as nothing but an illusion and mere sophistry.every relationship, is dependant not independent. The capacity to necessitate actions or activities that is rewardingly helpful to the overall wellbeing of ur partner,is never negotiable. The better we understand this,the more we carry ourselves along when the table of success becomes Rosy. A friend who is unhelpful to ur visions and aspirations, is never a productive friend but one whose mindset is fully occupied with some unreasonable thought processes that are inimical to a progressive engagement. As such,one must be very observantly careful in chosen friendship. A friend whose mindset is obviously blind with poor visions, will never see any thing good with ur dreams and aspirations.
(1)TO MAINTAIN A HEALTHY FRIENDSHIP, U MUST HAV A GREAT SENSE OF EMPATHY. Do u know that a good friend will always put his or her self in ur shoes when ever your in any difficult situations or challenges? A friend who only wrapped his or her self to u when things are going well with u and suddenly vanished into the tin air when things goes though, is never a friend but an enemy in disguise. A good friend,will work assiduously with his or her best friend to surmount any challenges confronting his or her partner.good friends are known on the ground for ur life confronting challenges not rosy moments.
(2)A GOOD FRIEND,KEEPS ALL UR SECRETS ONLY TO HIM SHELF. Do u also agree with me that there are many friendship who deliberately divulge the confidential secret of his partners to the third party? Now listen to me,When ur friend began to discussed ur matters meant to be left secret to a third party,is an avenue for u to sense she is not happy with u out of enviness and jealousy. No good friend gossips his or her friend with the third party and comes back to him or her to pretending to be perceived as been a good friend!every good friend,ordinarily, is ur chief confidante. When he or she now see,s ur confidential discussions as an entertainment to entertain a third party,then there is a problem awaiting to be explode like a time bombs.
(3)EVERY FRIENDSHIP MUST HAVE A DEFINED SET COLLECTIVE OBJECTIVES. what this entails is that,gone are those days when people makes friendship just to be moving around without any destination. These days,every friendship must be thoroughly defined and scrutinized to find out if such friendship have same clear objectives and directional u agree with me that when u literarily goes into any friendship undefined and no set objectives, such relationship terms to truncate every set objectives laid down by you if both of you differs in ur visions and aspirations.many great ideas has been severely endangered through poor ideological contributions from ur partners who knows nothing concerning the benefit of such visions to u and the society.A good friend offers useful tips on how u can movie ur visions to the next level not only deliberating on the negativism of such visions.
(4)A GOOD FRIENDSHIP, CONTRIBUTES FINANCIALLY TO THE GROWTH OF UR VISIONS. Financial contributions to the growth of any newly birth visions at this point, remained historical to the conveners of such visions.He who gives to the needy is much more better than he who gives to readymade wealthy man who lives his life in opulence. For example, one millionaire just wakes up one morning and decides to buy a flashy car to the famous African richest man"Alico Dangote when he knows that he Dangote has the financial will power to gift to himself any car of his choice.first,He Dangote will certainly perceived ur car gift to him as a way of seeking for favour from him!this obvious truth,is non contestable. Learn how to give to those who actually deserves for ur gifts and donations.
(5)LEARN HOW TO MAKE UR FRIEND BECOME A GIANT IF TRULY YOU ARE A GIANT IN UR OWN FIELDS.A common maxim states that "is better to be in the midst of Giants when u are a dwarf rather than becoming a giant in the midst of dwarfs. Do u agree with me that when u are a dwarf and find ur self in the midst of giants,they will surely drags u to their level of giant through there unavoidable wealth of business or career intellectualism.but when u are a giant in the midst of a dwarf,they will certainly drags u to their levels of dwarfism. A tree can never make a forest.been poor without a vision,is a death sentence on its self.and been rich without making any impacts to help the less privilege ones in the society, is worst than an abject poverty.success are not measured by the numbers of cars or mansions built by u,but the numbers of lives u uplifted from their unwanted conditions to a more comfortable lifestyles. The people u give life when all hopes where lost ,is ur greatest achievement. The impacts u make in ur society, is ur greatest legacies that can stand in the sands of time.A friend without benefit, shouldn't be regarded as one!
The step of an evil friend is often bold when he or she is benefiting from u,but appears a little bit withdrawn when things goes the other wise.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology. And the main blessed with so much knowledge and wisdom. For more
Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Sunday, 24 November 2019
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Every Import depending nation,is an unhealthy and unproductive nation where human capital development has been ignorantly battered. The overall objectives for leadership, is to manage human development and protect the lives of the citizens to pursuing national growth and development.when we fail to manage humans to achieving optimum potentials in every areas of their lives,we certainly fail to upgrade to the societal demands that enhances productivities in the area of education, technology, entertainment, leadership and etc.where there are lacks of security for human lives,no meaningful progress can be made to the national developmental blueprint. It is expident and incumbent on those with the leadership authorities to begin to fashion out ways on the needs for human productive engagements in sustaining every good productive giant stride made by our technicrats and business icons who did not only made Nigeria proud,but contributed immensely to the growth and development of this entity called Nigeria.the essence for every thing,is in the its essentials. We must begin to create an avenue to revitalize some of our sectors that has been ignored by the past and this present administration in order to compete with other committee's of developed nations. Oil must not be the only primary focused in our sectors,if we must is pitiable to our leaders who see,s our entertainment sectors as nothing but just entertainment. Look let me inject ur mind with some positivistic perception that entertainment sector is far beyond just entertaining but a lucrative ventures that is capable for competing with the oil sectors if been properly hynessed to achieving its set objectives.No entertainer will be happy to just entertained his audience and goes back home hungry and unable to pay back to our main topic of the day which is "five ways to end import dependency:
(1)For us to end import dependency, we must become excellently good at what we do:what this implies, is that our local products must compete with the foreign products in the areas of qualities and quantities. In order words,we must not run short of our local products when,this is where govt supports and grants to the Producers or manufuturers of such products of goods became unapologetically sacrosanct. Govt at various levels,must support and finance some of our local produce through official partnership with the companies or firms that produces such products in order to avoid shortage of products to the end time consumers. Don't also forgets that a situations where their are scarcity of such local products,their will be higher cost in price!the quality of every products is greatly depended on the amount of money spents in getting the right raw materials.we must not be galvanizing supports for the patronage of our local products when the quality of such products is nothing to write home about.
(2)We need institutionalized policy framework that will regulate prices of this purchasable is now glaringly evident to say that Nigeria is a country where traders or manufacturing companies just wakes up one morning and begin to inflict pains on their citizens through increase of prices to their products unannounced.govt at various levels must constitute a committee or bodies whose primary objectives is to checkmate the manufacturer s and the Sellers who increases prices of purchasing items to the detriment of the Nigerian populace as well as to curb this unwarranted abnormal increase for their products.Since our Nigeria standard organization are adamant to the plight of her citizens.
(3)Govt should ensure that all the Nigeria boarders are unanimously closed:A good leader treats her subjects fairly equal to avoid any outcry whatsoever from her subjects.for example, outcry for unequal treatments to her subject, outcry for injustice and ethnic bigotrism.boarders in the north can not be closed down and then boarders in the south is porously opened to benefit from foreign products. Policies are not meant for animals to obey but humans therefore,we must exemplifies our leadership attitude to receiving rapt attention for fairness irrespective of our geopolitical affiliations.
(4)Govt at various levels must partner with our manufacturers to use any of the federal and state government owned television or radio stations to sensitizing the Nigeria public on the beneficial needs to buy our local products since some of this local manufacturers may not hav the financial will power to pay for advertisements for their products.
(5)government must work asidously in visiting some of this manufacturing firms to ascertain the Hygen nature of the environments and the authenticity of their raw materials used in making those u agree with me that some of this firms uses expired raw materials for their products? This is apparently unhealthy for the citizens. Govt at various levels under their leadership purviews, must work effortlessly to curtail this menace of using fake and expired raw materials for their products.
A good wine needs no advertisements. We must learn how to do the needful. We must champion that slogan as Giant of Africa by doing things right and setting an indelible blueprints for other African nations. We must begin to establish industries that can make her citizens relaxant as an import free nation.we must provide every available amenities that can make our businesses to thrive if we must demand for taxation from the citizens. We must work for the benefits of this entity called Nigeria in unison and collectively kill every ideas of singleness. We must hav a developmental plans to bequeathed to the next generations and the ones yet unborn.we must love one another by patronizing our local made goods irrespective of the geographical regions where those goods are made.we must value what we hav and value less of what is not ours.we must be an additional platform to see our brothers and sister thrive in every areas of their lives endeavors not a minus or a substratum to their overall wellbeing and aspirations. We must decongest our market s with what is not ours and provide our people with what we hav if we must be a healthy nation.A nation that consumed expired products is a sick and unproductive wise.
My name is Clifford igwe,aka cliffdboss, a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title was given to me by my fans all over the world!for more info:e-mail:
(1)For us to end import dependency, we must become excellently good at what we do:what this implies, is that our local products must compete with the foreign products in the areas of qualities and quantities. In order words,we must not run short of our local products when,this is where govt supports and grants to the Producers or manufuturers of such products of goods became unapologetically sacrosanct. Govt at various levels,must support and finance some of our local produce through official partnership with the companies or firms that produces such products in order to avoid shortage of products to the end time consumers. Don't also forgets that a situations where their are scarcity of such local products,their will be higher cost in price!the quality of every products is greatly depended on the amount of money spents in getting the right raw materials.we must not be galvanizing supports for the patronage of our local products when the quality of such products is nothing to write home about.
(2)We need institutionalized policy framework that will regulate prices of this purchasable is now glaringly evident to say that Nigeria is a country where traders or manufacturing companies just wakes up one morning and begin to inflict pains on their citizens through increase of prices to their products unannounced.govt at various levels must constitute a committee or bodies whose primary objectives is to checkmate the manufacturer s and the Sellers who increases prices of purchasing items to the detriment of the Nigerian populace as well as to curb this unwarranted abnormal increase for their products.Since our Nigeria standard organization are adamant to the plight of her citizens.
(3)Govt should ensure that all the Nigeria boarders are unanimously closed:A good leader treats her subjects fairly equal to avoid any outcry whatsoever from her subjects.for example, outcry for unequal treatments to her subject, outcry for injustice and ethnic bigotrism.boarders in the north can not be closed down and then boarders in the south is porously opened to benefit from foreign products. Policies are not meant for animals to obey but humans therefore,we must exemplifies our leadership attitude to receiving rapt attention for fairness irrespective of our geopolitical affiliations.
(4)Govt at various levels must partner with our manufacturers to use any of the federal and state government owned television or radio stations to sensitizing the Nigeria public on the beneficial needs to buy our local products since some of this local manufacturers may not hav the financial will power to pay for advertisements for their products.
(5)government must work asidously in visiting some of this manufacturing firms to ascertain the Hygen nature of the environments and the authenticity of their raw materials used in making those u agree with me that some of this firms uses expired raw materials for their products? This is apparently unhealthy for the citizens. Govt at various levels under their leadership purviews, must work effortlessly to curtail this menace of using fake and expired raw materials for their products.
A good wine needs no advertisements. We must learn how to do the needful. We must champion that slogan as Giant of Africa by doing things right and setting an indelible blueprints for other African nations. We must begin to establish industries that can make her citizens relaxant as an import free nation.we must provide every available amenities that can make our businesses to thrive if we must demand for taxation from the citizens. We must work for the benefits of this entity called Nigeria in unison and collectively kill every ideas of singleness. We must hav a developmental plans to bequeathed to the next generations and the ones yet unborn.we must love one another by patronizing our local made goods irrespective of the geographical regions where those goods are made.we must value what we hav and value less of what is not ours.we must be an additional platform to see our brothers and sister thrive in every areas of their lives endeavors not a minus or a substratum to their overall wellbeing and aspirations. We must decongest our market s with what is not ours and provide our people with what we hav if we must be a healthy nation.A nation that consumed expired products is a sick and unproductive wise.
My name is Clifford igwe,aka cliffdboss, a prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title was given to me by my fans all over the world!for more info:e-mail:
Monday, 11 November 2019
Dj cuppy is a failed musician who could not give to her fans a hot music banga for the past years she has been in the music industry.she also failed as a dj too.but am so happy that she is now championing a huge save nigeria child project which is a charity organization.she used the influence of her billionaire dad to gather her father,s friends to donate to this course as her father donated the sum of 5 billion naira while his friend alico dangote supported to this course by donating the sum of 100 million naira.nigerians are happy with this initiative from dj cuppy inspite her bad character, and we say well done cuppy.
Sunday, 10 November 2019
Nigeria is one of the most famous nation we hav today in the world.Nigeria is unarguably the most populated country in the face of the African continent with over 190 million people as a citizens and as such,many of the African countries see,s Nigeria as a threat to their growing economy.for instance,south-africans,Ghanaians and other African countries who did not only shown total disdained for the Nigerian immigrants out of jealousy and enviness for their big brothers.this however, is another ploy used by this counterpart nations to demean,downgrade, as well as bring the name of the county called Nigeria into a place of ignominy and apparent disrepute. The question to ask ourselves,is Nigeria actually the giant of Africa?and the answer is unambiguously yes....Nigeria as a country remained and will forever remained the giant of Africa any time any day. The only factor that can deny our African gigantism,is the division or splitting of this country called nigeria into 3 nations.we hav the economic will power to be totally independent only if we can manage our natural resources prudently to Alienate import dependency on our economy as well as inject proper policy framework that will strictly dealt with every agitated mindset for importation of goods into the Nigeria economy. Today,many African nations are wailing for the Nigerian border closure which has affected their economy in various ways.Nigeria with his benevolent attitude, left his borders porous for other African countries to encroached,stole our wealth, indirectly locked down our growing economy, brings in their local made goods into the country illegally yet Nigerians are treated like a nobody in many of this African country inspite all the direct and indirect benefits they accrued from the Nigeria magnanimous economy. Nigeria border closure is one of the most essential policy from this govt I will forever give total credence to this Muhammadu Buhari led federal,Nigerians are patronizing our local food like rice and etc.those into Agro industry are essentially thankful to this govt for making their Agro business to thrive through the huge patronage they now gets from Nigerians for their goods.A country with over 190 million people shouldn't be poor and can not be made poor only if we can clear the mindset of total dependency on foreign made products to that of our local produce.we hav the population to grow our economy to an enviable and a viable economy we could ever imagine or craved for.only if we can see strength on our high rate of population and exploit it not seeing our population as a weakness to national development. We must look at our mineral resources and begin to make them productive to our growing economy. We must hyness our potency for the creative industry too by setting up a platform or a grant where those with good visions can explore their giftset for the pursuit of national development not disintegration. Some of the benefit for the nigeria border closure are:
(1)it helps our economy to grow and compete with other growing economy in the world.
(2)it reduces high rate of poverty through huge patronage to our local made products.
(3)it strengthen our currency against other currencies like dollar through the increase for our GDP.
(4)it makes our country Nigeria fully an independent nation.and
(5)it reduces high rate of poverty in our country where goods and services is for the overall benefit of the manufacturer and the end time consumers.
We must as matter of urgency begin to sensitize our country men and women today for the overall benefit for the Nigeria border closure by this Buhari led govt.we must begin to re-structure our mindset to accommondate our local produce as well as re-educate the nigerian populace that local made goods are better than the foreign made good with some vivid explanations. National orientation agency must wake up to their obligatory challenges to champion this campaign for the use of local made products.government at various level should pay for advertisement on the print media,social media,and other public media houses to disseminate this beneficial information to the people they govern on the need to patronise local products.A nation that can not grow what they consumed, is an unhealthy nation.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, events Mc, exponent of political psychology, Author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title is given to me by my fans across the globe.for more info,email:
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliffdboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, events Mc, exponent of political psychology, Author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. This title is given to me by my fans across the globe.for more info,email:
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Fela was one of the greatest renowned afro beat singer we had at the 80s.he was a freedom fighter who used his musical lyrics to educate his people on the dangers occasioned with bad governance and how the people can be liberated by saying no to bad governance and its ineffective leadership.the picture appeared above,is fela playing games with burna boy,s mother on stage.burna boy,s mother happens to be one of fela ,s numerous amorous dancers!as u can see on the picture,he is lying ontop her backside rocking her back on stage while burna boy,s mother appears to be so comfortable enjoying his joystick!pls let me just end it here jare.
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