Sunday, 15 September 2019

The potency of darkness by"Clifford igwe aka cliff dboss

The ultimate avenue that drives and engineers modern development,is the adequacies for power supply. Electric power supply is significantly unavoidable for the overall pursuits of every developing nation. since development in every sectors of the economy,is largely dependent on sufficient power supply in carrying out businesses for personal and national development.for example, our educational sector needs an uninterrupted power supply to flourish academic businesses for the interest of  students and her teachers as they can not do without power supply.both the students and the teachers,needs an unepileptic power supply on campuses for reading and carrying out researches for the enhancement of  qualitative education and for the benefit of the society. Therefore,when ever their is lack of adequate power supply,academic activities becomes paralyzed.,students academic performance becomes abysmally poor,teachers contemporary knowledge becomes limited due to their inability to carry out computerized research system for the attainment of useful academic knowledge. The issues of poor power supply will not only make any developing nation reproachingly stagnant,but also unproductive and poor human development. It amazes me when ever this present administration makes all the dump administrative noise on on media on how they hav improved our agro industry and its progressive improvement that has been recorded in the  agro industry as well as how this has improved sufficient food production witness since the inception of this present administration without any shred of evidence to substantiate their claims.look let me tell u,no sector of the nigerian economy will record above 40 percent progress when their are no adequate power supply to achieve its targeted ends!either in productions or in human capital many developing or developed nations,the only acceptable existing practices in the agro sector,is mechanized farming and food security system of practices initiated through proper govt policies and its provisions for scientific garget for the preservation of raw food items for  quality doing this,power supply becomes very sacrosanct to the agro is no longer contestable that we in the entertainment sector goes through hell of time making our movies due to poor power supply.A production that is supposedly  meant to come to a conclusion in less than a month,will take u down to two months due to poor power supply., moving production equipment from one location to another ,some times is capable of causing a great proportional damage to ur productions. For instance, stage light and other equipment. Also looking at the media sector where a lot of media houses spent millions of naira monthly to power their own media house 24 hours .yet at the end of the month, our irresponsible government now began to demand for tax payment. This is Carlos, barbaric, and low supper ego in action from the so called govt to the people under their care!our artisans are enduring all manners of poor production because of no power supply to carry out their businesses. I can go on and on to innumerate some of our sectors that had been unproductive due to poor power supply. Look,is high time govt at all levels begin to find an elasting solutions to providing to her people adequate power supply if sincerely we all desired for a true developed nation we all hav been agitating for!when ever the devil wants to destroy good potentials,he starts with creating darkness all over the personality that carried such potentials. Darkness belongs to the medieval period not our present contemporary computer age we all find our selveS. and we must work assiduously to eliminate every forms of darkness from our system. In doing this,we must as matter of urgency, start to retire those political elements in our polity whose thinking and perceptions, does not matchmake our present day realities but that of the age long practice of selfish leadership, poor visionary leadership, parochial desire,despotic leadership,barbaric leadership mindset,uneducated leadership with total tolerance for corruption, lopsided appointment, and unhidden affinities with the darkness.darkness is unproductive, darkness is unpalatable, darkness lack proper sense of directions,darkness creates room for stagnancy, darkness jeopardize great future if not properly conditioned to given rooms for light.darkness is a place of rejections, darkness has nothing meaningful to offer to any developing nation,darkness does not befriends light because it can only begat counterproductive activities. Darkness love to be left alone yet wants to drag others into to his domain,darkness dislikes justice and fairness, darkness does not like those who are shinning lights,darkness does not attend to lights because the illumination of lights,demoralizes such he does not want to come in a face to face contact with the light but assigned our unquenchable illuminators  to a third party before coming to see him.darkness is a hidden place where truth is hardly found,darkness detast the growth and development of the youths to enable him demonized the futures of youths.therefore, we must all uniformly say no to this darkness and his allies for they portends a great danger to our collective wellbeing as a citizen.we all must rise up to this occasions and push out every forms of darkness that has perpetually kept this nation retrogressively stunted in growth and development. We must call a spade a spade and take the bull by the horns and ask him to respect civilities, human rights, sanctity for human lives,and total obedience to the rule of laws no matter who is man is greater than the multitude only if the multitude can realized the unbroken power of the bunches of a broom .we the people hav the immeasurable power to bring than every forms of darkness in our system by using our various shinning lights from our unique citizens to another  coming together in oneness from   every facets of human endeavors to dismantle this darkness out of the way.the potency for every darkness, begins with dark minds.kill ur dark minds,and ur light will spring up.
My name is Clifford igwe,aka cliffdboss, prolific writer, motivational speaker, events Mc,exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology. And the man blessed with knowledge and wisdom!that is my new title given to me by my fans!for more info:mrandmrsdemocracy

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