Saturday, 21 September 2019

nigerian politics and her incompetent experience by"cliff dboss

Politics is nothing but game of numbers and intellectual smartness for outshining  opponents.politics is an elusive ventures as it patterns to monetary and material expenditures in galvanizing support for electoral victory. Especially in Nigeria,politics is a means of achieving parochial desires through political gimmicks and scoring some poor  political points through blackmails, and derogatory statements capable of causing a total political mayhem to the people they governed.politics has eaten so obnoxiously deep to our polity in such a way that proper and efficient leadership has been thrown to the political dustbin of fake and unfulfilling promises to the masses. Nigeria politics must grow in morale and its uprightness for adequate effective leadership capable of initiating measures that will Ameliorate the unpalatable sufferings of the Nigerian societal basic demands.we must all tell ourselves some sound unapologetic gospel truth .that our politics has been invaded by incompetent political elements, our polity has been infiltrated by leadership malfeasance. and its cascading effects,will destroy generations yet unborn if adequate measures is not been put in place in tackling this menace of corrupt institutions and her greater personalities that runs those institutions. We must learn how to play politics when is time for politics and handle leadership issues when is time for intelligent leadership. This is dichotomous and generally obtained in the Western world.sound leadership does not pour accolades on aberational politics but distances himself from every political character capable of making diligent and  sound leadership to stand taste of time.resoundingly, many developed countries across the globe,undoubtedly embraced pragmatism as a new forms of modern politics and leadership for the interest of the  societal demands not some forms of trial and errors politics-leadership styles adopted by our so-called irresponsible political class we hav today in our polity.look let me refresh ur minds,since the beginning of our nascent Democratic institutions, Nigeria has failed to provide effective leadership to the people.this is not because Nigeria as a country has became unproductively stagnated in the area of resources, but poor management of those resources Nigeria as a nation has generated for the past years,placed Nigerians abjectly poor and refused to compete with other developed nations. This however, started as a results of deceptive political campaign promises made to the people for achieving inordinate ambitions.we must re -configurate our political perceptions to accommodate pragmatic leadership devoid of hatred and poor understanding of the economy. Experience in politics, is not and never a yardstick for effective leadership but knowledge. We must try as much as possible to hav an in depth knowledge of any political appointment or offices we are about to assume for the benefit of the larger society.Nigerians has been thoroughly deceived, our mindset has been ironically brainwashed to accepting experience as a prerequisites to sound and effective leadership even when such political ideologies has done nothing but poor development, lopsided appointments,political parochialism, huge syphons of public coffers for families and friends,poor educational deficits, sharing of national patrimonies to cronies and political allies. Dear friends,look we must say no to this political experience slogan adopted by our old folks political class just to continued to keep the young political stars into a state of political oblivions and make them remained unproductively irrelevant in the scheme of things that drive's modern development and its pragmatic governance. All we see ,s from our political class,is disunity, inciteful statements capable of national disintegration and poor leadership styles with ineffectual leadership experience which in the first place is their ultimate criterion for selecting, appointing, and electing any political young stars into public offices.we must say no to this unacceptable political profiles initiated by our Carlos political class to impoverished the Nigerian teeming youths and then make them a political pulpers begging for money or political appointments from our present day political class whose visions for the youths is unarticulated. Experience is never a great teacher but knowledge is  when it comes to politics and sound leadership. No matter the age of many leaders recorded in the Bible, yet Solomon became the wisest,knowledgeably the best among his predecessors and his contemporaries. And I ask,if experience in leadership is the best forms of selecting or electing people into leadership positions, why is the Nigeria society undeveloped? Why is our educational system in a total disrepaired?why is our infrastructure not wearing a maintenance look from any successive governance? Why is the basic problems of  the Nigerian populace unfixed?why is our political class not been able to unite us rather than dividing us with their poor leadership and ethnic bigotry? Why is our teeming youths not gainfully employed through government policies for job creations? Why is our political class unable to improve the welfare and the security of her citizens with their leadership experience which to them is now a criterion for selecting or electing the young ones into political offices?why is our political class not been able to provide needed supports for free and fair election to her electorate s with their acclaimed impeccable political profiles and experiences which they optimistically is the only passport to secure elective or political appointments in this present political dispensation which  they now championed ?why are they afraid of the young ones assuming leadership positions? Why did their leadership experience still unable to solving the problem of poverty in the country even with all their unproductive leadership experiences gathered over the years?I can go on and on asking our political class who had kept the Nigeria society in a total darkness with poor solutions solving gear to all this man-made problems caused by this so called old forlfolks politiclass,yet they  can't provide  me with any visible cogent answers to all this questions because they lack the intellectual power to attend to this myriads of problems initiated by them in achieving personal set goals.look,we must say no to this leadership experience slogans and accept modern knowledge for a sound effective leadership to accelerate human and material resource management for the overall  interest of our next generations yet unborn. We must set a sound leadership blueprint that will  optimize the great potentials of all Nigerians irrespective of our social strata and our academic background. We must rise up in unison and say no to this stagnated experience in leadership and elects leaders  with best brain,uncorruptible, courageous, educated,and above all with the fear of God to superhead our governance at all levels if we must all move forward as a nation.every computer, needs an uupgrade to function effectively for its usage.therefore every political leaders,needs modern pragmatic knowledge in leadership to solve modern developmental problems.

My name is  Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss,prolific writer, motivational speaker, exponent of political psychology, event Mc,author of "introduction to political psychology and the man blessed with too much knowledge! That is my new titled given to me by my fans.for more info:mrandmrsdemocracy

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