Monday 12 August 2019

Read why cliffdboss identified arrogance as Nigerian only problems!

Nigeria is a great country with over 180 millions people in terms of  population rating and over 360 ethnic group.nigeria is a country blessed with abundance of mineral and material resources yet remained unproductive and  retrogressive politically and developmentally . Nigeria is a country where people from various diverse cultural heritage struggles to outshine one another which posed as nothing buth problematic to her citizenry. Nigerians unanimously called themselves as the giant of Africa  yet with alot of deficits in development virtually in very facets that makes up the country can progressively initiates positive development capable for transforming nothing into something when arrogance becomes the order of the day. National Development is never automatic but a carefully masterplanned by those whose overall interest is to pursue modern development vigorously for her citizens. Let me refresh ur mind why I Clifford igwe identified arrogance as the only problem that has made Nigeria development domicile and stagnated.some of our present crops of political leaders has been tested in the past where their leadership pattern brought nothing but untold hardship to the people, peoples right where infringed, humans where treated like animals, many where locked up for exercising their fundamental human rights which the then ruler believed was exceedingly against with his personal leadership principles therefore using all forms of brute force to compel obedience from the citizens. This incoherence leadership attributes was not caused by poor leadership or lack of adequate ideas for human right, but was ostensibly caused due to sheer leadership arrogance and illiteracy.when ever electorates elects economic Buffon as their leaders, economy will definitely witnessed all forms of stunted growth in GDP and its infrastructural development.let's not be too economical with the truth.leadership and arrogance will never yield any positive result as both concepts connotes different views and perceptions. If we all carefully look at the present leaders we hav in every strata's,we shall notice how arrogance they all appears and how they also approach issues with some forms of arrogance.Nigeria is the only country where those opportunist believed that one must pass through the same process they encountered that got them to their present positions while denying some bright stars to shine under their coward leadership. This arrogance of leadership behaviors is not only limited to our political arena,but also  in every sectors of the economy ranging from entertainment, sports, religions, education, and many more.the averaged millionaire in Nigeria will want to oppressed others with his money,human rights will become severely spanked with their illed gotten wealth.the most painful leadership challenges we are facing in Nigeria is because those who are in the positions of authorities believed they all worked very hard to become whom they are today. while denying the idea of opportunism that drives them to their present positions. The issues of arrogance in leadership must be seriously treated for us to achieve quality leadership in every sectors of the economy. An average Nigerian millionaire, is not just arrogant but also oppressive to the less previlaged ones in the society. Take away arrogance from Nigerians, love,peace,unity, and development will become a certainty for this present generation and the ones yet unborn.arrogance in leadership is capable of disunity, insecurity,ethnic disharmony and religious bigotry. An average Nigerian millionaire will asked some arrogant questions like,Do u know whom I am?my dear who are u in the first place?u are just a normal citizens like other Nigerians. Is there really any difference between u and other Nigerians? For us to coexist and cohabitat in a uniform entity called nig,we must shun ever forms of arrogance in performing our civic responsibilities in making Nigeria great again.A situation where those that ascribed to themselves as indispensable in decision making both at the federal and state levels arrogantly and repeatably lord themselves over public opinions, such nation will never know peace!to tackle national issues, is a collective contributions where leaders across every sectors of the economy must make an inputs in decisions making for the overall interest of the society not just for a single individuals with the tendencies for totalitarianism.we all must collectively kill leadership arrogance before it destroys the collective dreams and aspirations of our founding fathers who laid down their lives for the unity of Nigeria.we must all realized that a tree can never make a Forest,but a thick forest can make a tree. Therefore the success and unity of this entity called Nigeria is in our hands and we must do every thing we can to protect it.we must all understand that every positions we attain in life goes with its opportunistic assistance from one individuals to another! not through our own hard works or birthright.therefore,we must show support to those who are in a serious need of our supports as well as reconfigurate our barbaric perceptions of arrogance of stupidity that has demeaned,degraded,dejected, and unreasonably placed our dear nation into some forms of apocalyptic conditions. A country blessed with great immeasurable personalities both home and diaspora, must fashion out ways on how to make Nigeria as a country great as well has initiate ideas and some palliative measures that is capable of ameliorating the sufferings of her citizens not behavioural arrogance. Every positions is destined and orchestrated by a divine source not by our personal hard arrogant rich man,is nothing but a threats to the society. Arrogance in itself, is a behavioural aberration that is capable of crippling a peaceful society. An arrogant leader is full with pride.He See's nothing as something, as well as see,s something as nothing. The only things that matters to him,is his efforts, his decisions,his achievements and his contributions. Every other things are uselessly unrelated to his entire personality.every arrogant leader,is an autocrat .and every autocrats,is arrogant. To respect and accommodate public views and opinions, goes with humility and total submissiveness to the people under ur arrogant leadership can never adhere or conform himself to the rule of law.He see,s or perceives rule of law as an obstacles to his hidden agendas!is better to hav a clueless leader than having an arrogant leader. A clueless leader may still hav some sanity for the rule of law but lacks proper knowledge for the enhancement of the rule of law.but that of the arrogant leader who does not see rule of law  as fundamentals that forms the basis for human rights and its respects that is accrued to every citizens, will become apparently  digestively bastardized by the so called arrogant leader.the ability to thrive in the midst of our cultural diversity and ethnic hegemony, we must humbly begin to treats those around us with some forms of  dignity and respect, not with pride .for nothing meaningful comes with pride.pride disabled himself from the assistance of others,pride decongest collective efforts for national development. Pride is inimical to sustainable peace.pride is undoubtedly an orphans treated with some forms of levity. no matter the wealth and power such personality may had acqired,once pride fits in,people began to avoid u like an obstacles for national man is an islander of knowledge. The essence for brainstorming ideas, is to arrives at a collective workable solutions to champion the course for our national development.we do not need a leader that is working on a slow pace for national development. We therefore collectively demand for a leader who will join hands with other developed nations to evolved along with the contemporary demands of the society. Not some uneducated and pride filled leaders with poor knowledge for modernity. We say no to those nolstagic political godfathers whose leadership antecedent is repugnant to our social and collective wellbeing as a nation. The true identity of a non arrogant leader,is not measured by his speeches but by his he managed the most challenging situations for the unity of her citizens,is noticeable and self imperative to every well meaning Nigerians. No leader hav the monopoly of eliminating corruption without the collective efforts of the people who is ready to submit to his policies. Otherwise, corruption will surely skyrocket to its intolerable proportions as well as rejuvenate in looting of public funds and bribery. Is there any overt difference between a corrupt mind and an arrogant leader? They both Carries out the same  systematic methodology in compelling obedience from their subordinates in achieving parochial desires.Leadership arrogance, is the only problem of Nigeria that has brought this country to a state of injustice!those with sensitive positions in the country would always want to misuse their power to their benefits with impunity and arrogance. Let's trash our arrogant behavour and our dear country will become a better palace where the kings and the subjects will hav equal rights to freedom of speech,equal rights to free association,equal educational opportunities, equal rights to live and equal rights for expression of thought and opinions irrespective of our cultural disunity, irrespective of our educational opportunities, irrespective of our social stratification, and irrespective of our diverse opinions we must all pursue our one doing this,we will consistently get it right and our unity for one Nigeria will remained untouched, unquenchable, undivided and unabated.
My name is Clifford igwe, AKa cliffdboss, A prolific writer,motivational speaker, Events MC,movie producer,the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom,the exponent of political psychology, the author of "introduction to political psychology. For more info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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