Monday, 17 June 2019

See why corruption will not leave the Nigerian system!

Corruption is an epidemic,corruption is a menace that existed synergistically with the human personalities and behaviors. In this regard,corruption hav no self existence. Its existence lies in the human minds.Any thing out side the human minds,corruption will surely remain a mirage.corruption has become a global issues.As it affects a wider range of the society and its institutions. Corruption and its etymology ,existed wthin the time frame of human existence .What this means,is that corruption was never part of God,s creation, but emanated after human creation to achieve personal desire.pertinently, corruption can be totally annihilate if we all sets our minds in driving away corruption with individual and collective efforts for a better society. An unjust society, will surely produce an unjust citizens.Alright, let's delve into some variables corruption uses to disabled personalities and institutions.They are:
(1)RELIGIOSITY: this is a very essential factors corruption uses to disarmed a just society. The magnitude of corruption going on in our churches and mosque, has become a great deal for a reconciliatory society. A situation where pastors now hides stolen wealth for our kleptomaniac politicians who had depleted and rendered our national treasury incapacitated to carry out visible development, is called for a national concern for the lovers of positive and qualitative development that futuristically prepare a solid developmental foundation for the generation yet dear,is there any thing fundamentally wrong for churches to give account of their yearly or monthly proceeds to their congregants? Is their any thing wrong for churches to carry out some social amenities like buying of electric transformers, building of portable drinking water,town halls,schools, and cottage hospital for the society which they are also part and parcel of the decayed and unjust society? What we hav today in our society is a situation where men of God now compete themselves with private jet,exotic cars,magnificent building while their congregants wallows in abject poverty! My dear,corruption must be tackle from the church if we all want a corrupt free society.
(2)MONETARY ACQUISITION: This is another  factors that hav kept the society with perpetually corrupt society. Every body wants to hav money to measure values, but how many are looking for money in a genuine way and hardwork?our competitive society has rendered us all a competitive personalities for the measurement of socio strata!every body wants to belong from one lower financial status to the middle class,while those in the middle class wants to move to the upper class,and those in the upper class wants to remain there forever as well as compete among themselves who should be called the richest. therefore,disregarding every avenue to alleviate the poor ones in the society which they now see,s as a threat to their entire wellbeing! For us to hav a just society and a corruption free society, our law enforcement agencies must begin to activate a research light that will beams on every rich ones in the society to know what business do they do that has made them enviously wealthy.
(3)SYSTEMIC DISORIENTATION: this is another crucial factor that corruption uses to feed his soul .therefore, awaiting for the next generation to start from where other corrupt personalities stopped at!in this regard,corrupt informative messages, has been  transported from one personality to another as well as holds every institutions stagnantly unproductive. When a judge whose basic salary for the month is five hundred thousand naira and all his emoluments including his monthly salary has sum up to two million naira per month,is now evidently questionable how he managed to buy a mansion worth of five hundred million naira with his exotic cars worth two hundred and fifty million u agree with me that a responsible child will ask his dad how he was able to acquired all this wealth with the known monthly salaries that is already in the public domain?do u agree with me that such judge will secretly inform his son how he acquired all the luxury life styles the family is enjoying as well as convince the child to study law in order to continue from his corrupt proceeds when he finally retires. This irrational act,will be passed from one offspring to another and subsequently becomes an institutionalized behaviour that will disabled personalities and Institutions. Corruption,is not just  stealing of public coffers,My dear readers,given out a lopsided public appointment to families and cronies, is a corrupt behavior! Unfairly treatment to the subjects under ur care is a corrupt behavior. Disobedience to court order,is a corrupt behavior, favouritism to some session of the country, is a corrupt behavior. Padding of national budget,is a corrupt behaviour. Awarding contract without 100 percent execution, is a corrupt behaviour. Negotiating for bribery through any forms,is a corrupt tendencies! And spending public coffers for personal medications which is unappropriated for,is the biggest corruption. We all must work  assiduously in decimating corruption from our systems! My name is Clifford igwe, AKA cliffdboss, A prolific writer, motivational speaker, Events MC,the exponent of political psychology. And the author of"introduction to political psychology. For more info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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