Thursday 6 June 2019

Read this five significant reasons u hav befriended failure!

Failure they say,is an orphan! No body wants to identify himself with a failure. Every body wants some level of success to happen in his life but no body wants to know the only meal for success. Failure creates some forms of depression if not been properly managed. Failure, is an instruments for poverty yet it distinguishes himself from poverty. When ever failure  creeps into ur life,career, visions,marriages, institutions, and relationship. Then there are unavoidable factors  he uses to get at u!and this factors shall be stubbornly dealt with!
(1)DON'T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE: This crucial factor,has been a great ploy failure uses in trapping ur visions,ideas,dreams,and projects down in a state of hopelessness therefore stagnantly making u his perpetual friend for life!Making  some trials in carrying out ur visions, is harmlessly a state of convincing drives that could either mandate u to become a giant or a novice on what preparatory destination u want to attain in ur life time.
(2)TREAT FAILURE LIKE AN ENEMY: one of the automated response to failure is ur mindset. The very day u discover ur true self as a fighter who is readily available to surmount every challenges that failure throws at u,there begins, the liberation of ur soul from the failed mindsets. Look let me tell u,failure himself, is seriously afraid of those who do not care about his existence. What ever u careless of,does not cares about u either. So take ur mind off failure and kick start that vision today by activating every mechanism that will drive u to ur successful ground. Don't be afraid of what people will say concerning ur failed attempt for that vision, for every failure, works in an alliance with the people around u to talk u down and fact shame u into withdrawal from the burning passions in achieving ur desired results.
(3)KILL EVERY OF UR UNWARRANTED DISTRACTIONS, UR SuCCESS WILL SURELY EMERGE:do u concur with me that successful people, are men with focus?do u also agree with me that every activities that initiates success must be routinized in its consistencies? Now,reexamine ur self and place every activities u had previously undergone if they where productively historic to ur life pursuits? As well as place a continuous assessment on every activities to be carried out by u if they are presumably in consonance with ur daily or yearly visions attainments.. In doing this,the idea of mastering the ploys by which failure employs to ridicule u into poverty, will be highly defeated and ur success will spring up!
(4)LEARN WHAT MADE OTHERS A FAILURE IN UR FIELDS OF ENDEAVORS: learning is a continuous process that deals with readiness to perform any mental or physical activities for the overall interest of the society. What this factor implies, is that,no man is an islander.we all tried to learn one thing and the other for the acceleration of human knowledge. When we desist from learning, we surely get drowned into the ocean of ignorance. My dear friend, learning on how people who are a failure and a success magnate in ur area of specialization,is rewardingly helpful when u want to starts up a career or a business to enable u know all the intellectual acumen to perform that task by heating at the successful ground.when ever we ignored to know why those before us in that business or visions or career had failed, we therefore, practically receives the same treatment melted at them by failure through our laziness to carry out a research about the personalities in our fields of career who has made a giant stride for success or failure.
(5)LEARN HOW TO STARVES UR ENEMIES WITH UR CAREER INFORMATION: information is a very useful instruments that can generate into success or a failure. Do u agree with me that what ever information u donates to people around u,could either be used to uplift u or destroy u?do u know that the fundamental reasons u sometimes failed in achieving that visions or career,is that ,the people u see as ur confidants and then begin to donates every of ur available career information to them, in many occassion,they used it against u?look let me tell u.ur enemy are apparently disabled when they lack vital information about u.what strengthened their strategies against u and ur visions,is the unreserved information u willingly donates to them!ur enemy is powerless when there are no instruments to obtain information in working against u!do u also agree with me, the reason for ur failure comes as a result of those tusted friends whom u found worthy of alerting every steps that u want to take for that visions.learn how to be confident in ur self while pursuing for that vision.An enemy who poses as a friend,is more dangerous than ur real classified enemy!activate the knowledge of self confidentiality while pursuing for ur vision.afterall,no friend can love u more than he loves money or material things.for every friends is partially jealous of ur success! Don't be deceived by their emotions but by their actions.
My name is Clifford igwe, A prolific writer, motivational speaker, Events MC,The exponent of political psychology. And the author of"introduction to political psychology. For more info call or mail me:+2347037696056.superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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