Friday, 28 June 2019

pastor Biodun of coza church response to busola Dakolo,s claim,was too logical than reality!

No family is happy seeing their loved ones passes through the emotional trauma associated with rape!many families finds it difficult to make any rape case public due to the aftermath effects that goes with it.I want to congratulate Mrs Dakolo for her bravery, boldness, and her practicabilities for explaining her rape ordeal to the public which still remains subject to judicial confirmation after thorough investigation into the said issues. I read the coza,s senior pastor,s response to the rape allegations levelled against his person.and I see those response as a logic seeking to hav a complete legal redresses. I hav a little questions to ask Mr Biodun of coza church as regard his apparent refutations of Mrs Dakolo,s allegations.
(1)sir,did u visit her house when her parents was away?if yes,what time?
(2)sir,did u rape Mrs Dakolo or u hard a consensual sex with her?pls tell us!
(3)sir,did u by any chance insisted she must join u with ur car when she was about leaving ur house?
(4)did u raped her the second time forcefully? Or she willingly obliged to ur sex advances?
(5)was she ur girlfriend u never wanted to make ur relatioship with her public based on material agreement u promised to keep with her as long as she agrees to give to u what u wants any time any day and now u could not fulfill ur side of the bargains?
(6)was this case ever been reported to the church authorities by Mrs dakolo or from any of her family members?
And (7)was ur wife aware of some of this signs Mrs Dakolo claims to had happened in ur matrimonial home?for example, she insisting she must sleep on the same bed with her,she insisting she will find her self back home with out joining u for a ride that fateful day etc?I think every thing we need to know to ascertain Mrs Dakolo, s claims whether she is right or wrong is greatly rested on the wife of the coza pastor whom Mrs Dakolo claimed she saw some of the signs but refused to notice them.we therefore, request that the wife of the pastor should be more brave to tell us the whole truth if the pastor her husband actually did insisted she must sleep at their quest room and also insisted that she must join him for a ride back home on that fateful day Mrs Dakolo claimed he raped her by the road side!I rest my case here!we are waiting for the every available judicial measures to ascertain the authenticity of Mrs dakolo,s claims if they are true or false the court will surely abreast the public with their legal measures.
My name is Clifford igwe.

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