Wednesday 19 June 2019

National security is not in the hands of God but to our leaders.

National security,rest upon the shoulders of those we elected to pilots the affairs of a state!one of the core primary responsibilities of any leader,is to protect lives and properties. In this regard,when ever sanctities of human lives is been battered to a point it now becomes a norm in our society, then,there is a national disaster! When ever a leader who is meant to shoulder the responsibilities for protecting lives and properties of his subjects under his care,is now catapulted to rest in the hands of God for the decisions he should had taking to Ameliorate the insecurity situations,then,there is a fundamental problem.when ever u see our armed forces in a blatant disagreement with our investigative journalist  arguing over the total  number of death toll caused by the Bokoharam insurgents or armed bandits, my dear,there is fire on the mountain! When u hear a certain governance who had claimed that Bokoharam group has been completely decimated and yet,killings is now on a rampage by the same insurgents or bandits, my brother,there is no sincerity of purpose from the so called political leaders we elected into public offices to protect lives and properties. When ever a public office holder or the president of any country refuses to speak on any security issues that is of a national concern to those he governs on the basis of sentiment and ethnic bigotries , my dear,such nation is heading towards national let me sound this note of warning to all those whose primary responsibilities is to protect the lives of his people under his security swing into action by doing what is expected of them before the insecurity situation in the country becomes worst .as well as stop all this illogical blame game with flimpsy excuses that hav no contributions to achieving a peaceful coexisting nation.must we always pray for things that our common knowledge and experience would hav solved? Must we continue to cry to God with the responsibilities that is given to us to perform?must our laws enforcement agents continue to carry out extra judicial killing? Must those whose work is to protect us continue to kill any body who is not a criminal or not been convicted by any competent court of jurisdiction at their own will and then turned around to call it accidental discharge? What kind of country do we desire to build for our next generation yet unborn?must those whose core responsibilities to protect her people under his care, continue to carry out their security obligatory responsibilities with impunity and ethnic disagreement? Our security, is our unity and development. No country can be united in the absence of national security. No visible or personal development can be achieved with a poor security system!how can a country that parade's himself as the giant of Africa in a shortage of security personel?instead,over 50 percent of our security personel has been assigned to guard and protect the lives of the rich ones in the society therefore allowed the poor ones to go to hell even in their own country? By the way, why are all our security apparatus not properly equipped for its duty proficiency?our security personel must be handsomely paid for a take home salaries if we all want them to fight insecurity in our country! Any crime fighter,is a life risker therefore must be able to receive a decent and quality reward for job well-done! The issues of nig police men,buying themselves police uniform with the little salaries they are been paid,is a pathetic situation! Do u know that a lot of police stations in our country powers their own police stations with generators other wise known as "I pass my neighbor?when can we ever get it right as a country blessed with several innovative ideas and human resource management?must will continue to look outside our domain and them allows Foreign organizations to continue to give us report on the security situations of our country? Which has became a reoccurring decimal.This is pathetically carlors on the part of our leaders who eats up their security votes to satisfy material desires while human lives under their care is now meaninglessly inexistent. Some over theological bigots,will tell u that if God does not watch a city,the watcherers watches in vein.therefore,denoting the idea of any political leader whose responsibilities is to protect his people to continue with their unpalatable excuses.if this biblical belief is realistic, then,the likes of David,and other children of God, wouldn't hav gone to any war to fight against their enemies. We all must start taking responsibilities for our failures. We must make positive efforts in solving our human problems that was not created by God.we must work in a total alliance with our security apparatus in tackling our national insecurity! Let's not think that God will one day leave his own purified thrown and come to Nigeria to fight for our insecurity. And I ask this rational question, Do u think God will kill those who are killing his people?my dear, God is a merciful God,He will not by him self kill any body for killing another.but he uses human to kill our enemies. For example, David versus gloat. What this means is that we all must fight for our physical battles and then leave the spiritual battles for God to handle!I can go on and dear I rest my case here!my name is Clifford igwe, AKA cliffdboss. Prolific writer, motivational speaker, Events MC,The exponent of political psychology. And the author of"introduction to political psychology. For more info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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