Tuesday 4 June 2019


I am the society! I existed even before u where born into this world,I was there when u began to form all the unacceptable behavior that is capable of destroying the entire human race.I was there when u began  to practice all manners of obnoxious activities that has degraded the true quest for good morals and exemplary living. I was also patiently watching at u ,when u assembled some group of people to create disharmony and social stratification in order to distinguish ur self from the poor.I was there when u plotted to cause an economic unrest to enable the enemy of  egalitarian society to continue to disfranchise the downtrodden from ascending to their God designed place.I was also there when u started prostituting activities where u now sell  ur body to every men that has the financial muscle to purchase ur God freely given assets meant only for ur prospective husband now for the public. I never complained when u introduced corruption, secret society, greediness, Religious bigotry, cheating, poor moral conscience, obstinate behaviors against ur fellow men,leadership malfeasance, looting of public funds to satisfy ur I'd constructed desires, and sales of national patrimony to ur cronies in order to continue to impoverish those who elected u into public offices.now let me ask u?where did I go wrong by given back to u all that u deposited to me?was I not on my own when u officiated all the anomalies to gratify ur parochial desire?why are u apportioning blame on me for what u practically distributed to the people around u which is now a problem to u?why are u calling me all sorts of names for given u back what u systematically deposited to me?do u expect me to hold back all that u had freely given to me without repatriating it back to u?why all this blamed game on me when u knew i graciously accommodated all that u donated to me even when I never appreciated numerous of ur gifts to me?was I the one who  mandated u to rape and inflicts pain to that virgin?was I the one who asked u to kill that ur political opponent just to ascends to ur present position? Was I the one who authoritatively schooled u on how to skirmishly obtained from ur colleagues through fulse pretence? When u started grouping ur selves for the attainment of Religious superiority thereby,killing with high level of pogroms against those who had separate religious views to that of ur own religious views?Now,let me caution u,i am not wickedly irresponsible as u all classified me to be!I only reproduced what u planted into me as a productive society that I am!I will never give back to u what u never invested into my domain.for that is not in my divine true nature to do such!if u willingly and behaviourally invests  criminality into my life as a society,in my magnanimous attitude, I will reproduce double of that behavior back to u,to enable u feel what I silently felt when such was forcefully invested into me!I am telling u today that I am not a  criminal like u men of the world,I am not a charlatant like u are!what perception do u think of my personality? Do I look like a  murderer or a chronic cheat like u are?look let me tell u,I was naturally created as a holy being.but u came into me and polluted all that I had preserved for my self dignity and its precious decency! I loved u just as I loved my self!you pollutants of evil.I am so tired and painfully fed up of all ur illed behaviors that has caused me a lot of emotional damage when ever I looked at all the evil u deposited on me every day in and out!pls,be mindful of what u collectively accused me of!I am not the architect of all ur societal problems. Kindly look inwardly,u will definitely see the root of ur problem and how u can collectively provers solutions to all ur human unproductive problems that was not in the first place orchestrated by me but u!stop forcing ur unacceptable behavior on me!I am very tired,I am very tired, I am so tired!the wise ones,learns  from their abundance of mistakes,while a fool sees his mistakes as nothing but caused by those before him or around him.
My name,is Clifford igwe
AKA cliffdboss
A prolific writer, motivational speaker, Events MC,the exponent of political psychology. And the Author of"introduction to political psychology. For more info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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