Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Saturday, 29 June 2019
Friday, 28 June 2019
pastor Biodun of coza church response to busola Dakolo,s claim,was too logical than reality!
No family is happy seeing their loved ones passes through the emotional trauma associated with rape!many families finds it difficult to make any rape case public due to the aftermath effects that goes with it.I want to congratulate Mrs Dakolo for her bravery, boldness, and her practicabilities for explaining her rape ordeal to the public which still remains subject to judicial confirmation after thorough investigation into the said issues. I read the coza,s senior pastor,s response to the rape allegations levelled against his person.and I see those response as a logic seeking to hav a complete legal redresses. I hav a little questions to ask Mr Biodun of coza church as regard his apparent refutations of Mrs Dakolo,s allegations.
(1)sir,did u visit her house when her parents was away?if yes,what time?
(2)sir,did u rape Mrs Dakolo or u hard a consensual sex with her?pls tell us!
(3)sir,did u by any chance insisted she must join u with ur car when she was about leaving ur house?
(4)did u raped her the second time forcefully? Or she willingly obliged to ur sex advances?
(5)was she ur girlfriend u never wanted to make ur relatioship with her public based on material agreement u promised to keep with her as long as she agrees to give to u what u wants any time any day and now u could not fulfill ur side of the bargains?
(6)was this case ever been reported to the church authorities by Mrs dakolo or from any of her family members?
And (7)was ur wife aware of some of this signs Mrs Dakolo claims to had happened in ur matrimonial home?for example, she insisting she must sleep on the same bed with her,she insisting she will find her self back home with out joining u for a ride that fateful day etc?I think every thing we need to know to ascertain Mrs Dakolo, s claims whether she is right or wrong is greatly rested on the wife of the coza pastor whom Mrs Dakolo claimed she saw some of the signs but refused to notice them.we therefore, request that the wife of the pastor should be more brave to tell us the whole truth if the pastor her husband actually did insisted she must sleep at their quest room and also insisted that she must join him for a ride back home on that fateful day Mrs Dakolo claimed he raped her by the road side!I rest my case here!we are waiting for the every available judicial measures to ascertain the authenticity of Mrs dakolo,s claims if they are true or false the court will surely abreast the public with their legal measures.
My name is Clifford igwe.
(1)sir,did u visit her house when her parents was away?if yes,what time?
(2)sir,did u rape Mrs Dakolo or u hard a consensual sex with her?pls tell us!
(3)sir,did u by any chance insisted she must join u with ur car when she was about leaving ur house?
(4)did u raped her the second time forcefully? Or she willingly obliged to ur sex advances?
(5)was she ur girlfriend u never wanted to make ur relatioship with her public based on material agreement u promised to keep with her as long as she agrees to give to u what u wants any time any day and now u could not fulfill ur side of the bargains?
(6)was this case ever been reported to the church authorities by Mrs dakolo or from any of her family members?
And (7)was ur wife aware of some of this signs Mrs Dakolo claims to had happened in ur matrimonial home?for example, she insisting she must sleep on the same bed with her,she insisting she will find her self back home with out joining u for a ride that fateful day etc?I think every thing we need to know to ascertain Mrs Dakolo, s claims whether she is right or wrong is greatly rested on the wife of the coza pastor whom Mrs Dakolo claimed she saw some of the signs but refused to notice them.we therefore, request that the wife of the pastor should be more brave to tell us the whole truth if the pastor her husband actually did insisted she must sleep at their quest room and also insisted that she must join him for a ride back home on that fateful day Mrs Dakolo claimed he raped her by the road side!I rest my case here!we are waiting for the every available judicial measures to ascertain the authenticity of Mrs dakolo,s claims if they are true or false the court will surely abreast the public with their legal measures.
My name is Clifford igwe.
Assessment of Timi Dakolo,s wife Allegations against Cozo,s pastor"by Clifford igwe.
Rape is a sadistic events that debilitates the human minds and its emotional damage.Rape,is degradingly a pervasive behavior that needs an urgent attention to be minimized to it bearest minimum. I tried as much as possible to finish up the rape interview session with Bukola Dakolo who is also Timi Dakolo,s wife. but couldn't ,due to the lengthy nature of the interview only meant for those who are not uptight with their workdays activities. Like i said earlier, I do not support any forms of rape at all as our society unapologetically and literarily frowns at it.the interview was scripted in a way that it did not expose all that are meant to be exposed from the both parties. We only hard of the side of Mrs Dakolo and did not hear yet from the accused which i believed the accused may hav a different story from what we hav hard from Mrs this regard,I will like to ask Mrs Dakolo some hypothetical questions and its correspondence revelation by mrs Dakolo.
(1)first.did the said accused pastor in any way been of any financial help to mrs dakolo and to her families? If yes,why did she not mention that part in her stories?
(2)Mrs Dakolo,what was ur moods of dressing each time u often appears before him?this is apparently not a justifiable ground to rape any girl on the basis of her outfits! I can tell u with all forms of sincerity that most of all this girls that claims they where raped by their pastors,personally seduced them with their dressed outfits while going to visit any man of God!
(3)when the accused man of God pushed u to the bed,began to unties his belts,removed ur pants and penetrated, u refused to shout for any help or struggles to run out of the room but rather, u kept quite and allowed him to gratified his sexual urge as well as reach an orgasm as ur rightly said?my dear it is not an easy ride for any rapist to reach an orgasm when the rape Vitim did not cooperate with the rapist as well as enjoyed his penetrative moves!what!
(4)After the rape incidence, u where by self on the bed after the accused left ,came back and brought out some drink and poured into ur mouth which u took and he left while u ran to ur mothers room and did not see any body.u also by ur self,cleans the virgin blood stains on the bed?did u also washed off the stained pants?yes!why did u not keep the pant as an evidence to show to ur mum that the accused actually raped u any time ur mom finally arrives home?
(5)Mrs Dakolo, from ur initial statement, u said ur where not a shy type but an outspoken child and bold any where u find ur self and yet u where unable to speak out to ur confidant 12345 days after the rape incidents? Haba!
(5)Mrs Dakolo, u said the same man heats ur Butt when u where in the kitchen after when u apparently refused to sleep at the quest room last night and u did not also tell his wife that he touched ur ass?
(6)Mrs Dakolo, u mean u could not confide to ur numerous sisters whom u believed cherished u so much because u where a virgin even when u do hav sister to sisters discussion with them?lol
(7)Mrs Dakolo,u also said that the accused brought u out of his car in the middle of the road and raped u at the public road with out u struggles or shout for help from any bypassers or car users?u also went home after the rape that took place at the middle of the road without telling ur mom or ur sisters? This is a case of sex slave and sexual gratifications and materialism!
(8)Mrs Dakolo,u mean the accused never presented u with any material gifts before or after the rape incidence?if yes,pls tell well as tell us if the man had never approached u for any relationship before the rape!if yes,what are ur response to his requests!
(9)Mrs Dakolo, did u by any chance go for pregnancy test after the rape incident? If yes or no,pls tell us!
(10)Mrs Dakolo, when ur parents and ur sister where finally aware of what transpired between u and the accused, was any money paid to u or to ur parents for damages?if yes or no,pls tell us.
(10)Mrs Dakolo, why did it took u so long to narrates ur ordeal with the pastor?or did u just spoke out because ur children ,s image is now involved?
(11)Mrs Dakolo, what shred of evidence do u hav for the allegations levelled against ur former pastor to make us believed that he did not had a consensual sex with u since u where enable to tell those around u who where proud of ur virginity that u where rapped and as such u finally lost ur virginity because he raped u?and u concealed it not until ur sister narrated her rape dream to u?
Having asked all this questions to Mrs Dakolo, I hereby did not found her guilty or crucified her as the rape victim. I do not also doubt her ordeal with the pastor,but I only asked her all this questions base on her statements or narrations. Until I here from the accused, then I will also ask him some questions too!just hav this in mind that the questions I asked Mrs Dakolo where objectively structural and no hidden agendas to it as Mrs Dakolo and I attends the same church! name is Clifford igwe.
(1)first.did the said accused pastor in any way been of any financial help to mrs dakolo and to her families? If yes,why did she not mention that part in her stories?
(2)Mrs Dakolo,what was ur moods of dressing each time u often appears before him?this is apparently not a justifiable ground to rape any girl on the basis of her outfits! I can tell u with all forms of sincerity that most of all this girls that claims they where raped by their pastors,personally seduced them with their dressed outfits while going to visit any man of God!
(3)when the accused man of God pushed u to the bed,began to unties his belts,removed ur pants and penetrated, u refused to shout for any help or struggles to run out of the room but rather, u kept quite and allowed him to gratified his sexual urge as well as reach an orgasm as ur rightly said?my dear it is not an easy ride for any rapist to reach an orgasm when the rape Vitim did not cooperate with the rapist as well as enjoyed his penetrative moves!what!
(4)After the rape incidence, u where by self on the bed after the accused left ,came back and brought out some drink and poured into ur mouth which u took and he left while u ran to ur mothers room and did not see any body.u also by ur self,cleans the virgin blood stains on the bed?did u also washed off the stained pants?yes!why did u not keep the pant as an evidence to show to ur mum that the accused actually raped u any time ur mom finally arrives home?
(5)Mrs Dakolo, from ur initial statement, u said ur where not a shy type but an outspoken child and bold any where u find ur self and yet u where unable to speak out to ur confidant 12345 days after the rape incidents? Haba!
(5)Mrs Dakolo, u said the same man heats ur Butt when u where in the kitchen after when u apparently refused to sleep at the quest room last night and u did not also tell his wife that he touched ur ass?
(6)Mrs Dakolo, u mean u could not confide to ur numerous sisters whom u believed cherished u so much because u where a virgin even when u do hav sister to sisters discussion with them?lol
(7)Mrs Dakolo,u also said that the accused brought u out of his car in the middle of the road and raped u at the public road with out u struggles or shout for help from any bypassers or car users?u also went home after the rape that took place at the middle of the road without telling ur mom or ur sisters? This is a case of sex slave and sexual gratifications and materialism!
(8)Mrs Dakolo,u mean the accused never presented u with any material gifts before or after the rape incidence?if yes,pls tell well as tell us if the man had never approached u for any relationship before the rape!if yes,what are ur response to his requests!
(9)Mrs Dakolo, did u by any chance go for pregnancy test after the rape incident? If yes or no,pls tell us!
(10)Mrs Dakolo, when ur parents and ur sister where finally aware of what transpired between u and the accused, was any money paid to u or to ur parents for damages?if yes or no,pls tell us.
(10)Mrs Dakolo, why did it took u so long to narrates ur ordeal with the pastor?or did u just spoke out because ur children ,s image is now involved?
(11)Mrs Dakolo, what shred of evidence do u hav for the allegations levelled against ur former pastor to make us believed that he did not had a consensual sex with u since u where enable to tell those around u who where proud of ur virginity that u where rapped and as such u finally lost ur virginity because he raped u?and u concealed it not until ur sister narrated her rape dream to u?
Having asked all this questions to Mrs Dakolo, I hereby did not found her guilty or crucified her as the rape victim. I do not also doubt her ordeal with the pastor,but I only asked her all this questions base on her statements or narrations. Until I here from the accused, then I will also ask him some questions too!just hav this in mind that the questions I asked Mrs Dakolo where objectively structural and no hidden agendas to it as Mrs Dakolo and I attends the same church! name is Clifford igwe.
FOr most of us who do not know that our nig super star afro beat singer,burna boy is dating a lady that has dropped one already!stefflon don who is burna boy,s recent girlfriend had her baby at the age of 17.see the cute face of the boy who also looks like her.
A group led by nihi oladele and ikenga imo ugochinyere of CUPP,presented the said award to the fmr nig president in his Abeokuta house ogun state.the awarders,claimed that young nigerians across the states contributed the money for the award for his good and examplary leadership over the years.if u ask me,i will concur with the above statement.chief olusegun obasanjo still remains the icon of nigeria democracy and no body can take it away from him!A man who loves nigeria unity,A man who is not ethnical when it comes to appointments,A Man who stands by equity and justice,a Man who worked so hard for the sustainability of nig democracy.A man whom the nigerian youths loves so much because of his outspokeness when it comes to any political behaviour that is inimical to the nigeria unity and progrss.yes he deserved the award!
Deception is nothing but a criminal act!Kduna state governor,mallam nasir el-Rufai,made a public speech some times ago that all his children will attend public school in nigeria.but freom the pictures we are seeing here,it is assumeable that the governo,s son,graduated from one of the schools abroad not nig!

The wicked face of the woman who murdered her husband and hide his corps,is now in the public!charles tyger was murdered by his legally married wife whose real name is Ajemina douglas in abaloma town in Asari toru l.G.A.the corps was exhumed at the standfield with the decomposing body still tied on his hands and legs.she was finally arrested by the nigerian police in Rivers state!
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