Friday 10 May 2019


Political players are been engulfed with series of political and developmental problems associated with personal pathology, leadership challenges and poor academic knowledge for any contemporary leadership to thrive for the overall wellbeing of the society. However, this theory was carefully designed through series of researches in finding an elasting solutions to the real life challenges characterized with poor leadership and its what is political counseling theory? This theory, is a brainchild of Clifford igwe,A political psychologist whose primary objectives in developing this theory, is to solve political contemporary issues that had marred quality governance in the political sector.The significance of this theory, is to render a quality guidance and counseling services to group or individual that are in total control of leadership. Now what is counseling? This is an act of interactions between the counselor and his counselee whereby, the counselee donates his leadership -political problems to the counselor for solutions solving situations. However, the duty of the counselor is to critically examine those leadership-political problems in order to arrive at problem solving gear to his clients. It is observable, to say that many African political leaders, do not seek for the help of a guidance counselor in solving some developmental political problems ,but rather, channels their energy to their political adviser who is not trained to solve developmental and counseling problems for the overall interest of the society but to score a political game to suits his paymasters. The actual reasons the Western world are doing exceptionally great in solving leadership problem in the society and for the development of the economy,is because they placed more premium in guidance and counseling in solving the evolving behavioural problems associated with poor political behavior and its negative effects to our immediate environment and enshrined quality Democratic behavours in performing leadership obligations. To profer solutions to African mal-leadership problems,is to collectively embrace proficient political guidance and counseling for the growth and development of quality leaderships for the African continents and the world at large.However, Every political office holders,needs the overall services of a trained counseling psychologist. because, no human without a problem, arising from the family, economic management, marital crisis,child bearing, irresponsible children, leadership disloyal cabinet members, financial pressing needs,and etc.All this problems are part of men from inception or developmental in nature, therefore, needs the help of a political guidance psychologist to solve them.if all this problems are left unsolved, such political office holder,will remain troubled and this may affects his chances of rendering a qualitative leadership to the people he this case,political advisers should only be appointed to a political psychologist with sound knowledge in politics and its leadership. My name is Clifford igwe, AKA,Cliffdboss, A prolific writer, Events MC,the exponent of political psychology, and the author of "introduction to political psychology. For more info.superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

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