Thursday, 4 April 2019

"Goodmorning to only those with home training" Actress,Uche jumbo

Actress,Uche Jumbo is a well know public figure in the nollywood movie industry. The mother of one,Has acted so many movies to her credit before jumping into producing her own movies too.The popular actress is not in the right frame of mind right now for been insulted by the public telling her"ma,Stop all these!"u down old!However, The nollywood supetstar had just ventilated her anger through her media page to ask people to refrain from using such comments on her when ever she makes any post on her social media page,Be it sexy pics of her self or not!"is amazing how,Young people think,Saying "you are old/getting old is an insult to entertainers before them give u r stardom 15-20 years if u are still here,Still playing at the top maybe just maybe....anyone can be a star... Staying power u will never to insult who walked so u can Run.people who lack respect even if they are talented not to talk of those with very little talent. Good morning to only those with home training.

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Celebrities lifestyles.

 Celebrities is never a career but a lifestyles where ones career is been celebrated .u can become a celebrity in whatever u do and do it ex...