Thursday, 27 July 2023


corruption is like a ringwarm behavior capable of destroying the entire body system if not been given a special treatment from the root causes of this meladious system.literarily,when the head is completely decayed,other parts of the body system becomes inactively dysfunctional.the level of corrupt practices and it's overt prolificacies going on in our democratic leadership,is something that needs an urgent surgical operation for the genuine obliteration of this unwanted ugly trend from our democratic system.democratic system of governance,has become a pipe dream in our polity.democracy has gifted us nothing but criminality, impracticable democratic principles,and deviant behaviour to the rule of law.if corruption in our polity,is not been reduced to its bearest minimum,it will snowball to a destructive economy.our economy is abysmally degenerative.we now functions in a society where consumption has now more significantly above productivities in an elaborate growing economy.the entire system has become much more porus for political criminals who is now an invaders of our national coffers.we have experientially observed with keen interest on how the managers of our national resources has ran our collective patrimony aground due to selfishness and share obsessed behavior for get richer propensities which portend an inimical dangerous growth for a developing economy.for christ sake,what is been practicing today in our democratic system of governance is what is generally accepted as plutocracy. which has gradually gain a substantial premium in our leadership economy where every other arms of the government is unapologetically corrupt,,then,there is a serious potential problem that is not just steering us on the face but also awaits the future generations to come.nigeria as a country derived idiotic pleasure borrowing from the international community just for consumption purposes with no sacrificial investment in human capital development and building of a productive industries for employable citizens.look,is high time the international communities stops giving out any form of loans to Nigeria in any out loans to enslaved our generation yet unborn,is obstinate,and illogically unacceptable.this is a decoy from the international community to enslave the entire African nation and then keep them on perpetual bondage. disquietingly,we must rise up to surmount this myraids of challenges that has crippled and disrepaired the economic foundation of our nationalists.nationalism in it's context,is the act of individual contribution for the part of national growths and prosperities.this political democratic system has been hijacked by some political jobers who are now sharp sword on the flesh of many nigerians whose obligatory responsibility is to disallowed the poor masses to hav a good breath and somewhat becomes the beneficiary of our God given national resources.the judiciary are on serious trials as the teeming unemployed nig youth are observably waiting for the general outcomes of the verdict to be dished out from the election petition tribunals.nigerians are seriously losing every sense of sanity in each days that passes by.due to the excruciating hardship caused by the rulling class.during jonathan's administration,nigerians where wailing with high levels of corruptions that infiltrated his inept administration, and we all felt pmb would hav become the Messiah that would hav turned things around for the benefits of the country at large.dear friends,what we witness under pmb's régime was full glare of profile corruption and total flagrant to judicial orders.this however,brought the nigerian populace to go down memory lane to evaluate between pmb and Jonathan's adminstration and collectively accepted this real facts that Jonathan's governance was far better looking at pmb's past administration and the present administration piloting by BAT,is now obvious that the present administration is going into oblivion and lacking touch with the reality.measurably, patrol price was more cheaper during pmb's administration to what we are seen under this prices are high, school fees are now incredibly and astronomically high, taxations,is at it's ebb for pollutions in the pocket of the average nigerian.crystaballically,pmb's governance may be far better of that of the present BAT administration that has been marred with various infractions that does not promotes democratic tenets. isn't that glaringly acceptable to say,the present administration has nothing to offer?every administration kept on consolidating on negative status quo other than setting a new administtive voage for a qualitative governance?this has becoming a reoccurring decimal characterized in every administrations since 1999 to date.all we need at this point in time,is to gather a sound new set of politicians with above average intelligence to pilot the affairs of this elusively encrypted nation with dark numerous challenges that has refused to show light to the solutions solvers. i hav no regrets for been a Nigerian.i believed strongly,there will be light at the end of the tunnel.All we need,is to put a round peg in a round hole. Be a growers of rule of law and providing workable solutions for the betterment of the society in ur locales through ur personal and collective endeavors. my name is mr clifford igwe,aka cliff DBOSS.prolific writer , exponent"introduction to political psychology,and an entertainer.for more info:call:+2347062624716

Friday, 21 July 2023


Every workable governance,must possess certain attributes that impacts positively to the lives of her citizens.nigeria political system ,is a garage full of smokes screen that have no valuable directions . literarily,i hav never seen such a governance as nigeria that enfolds himself with insincerity, insensitivity,and grossly with poor knowledge of a successful economy. this old crops of political gladiators,has succeeded in siphoning our national patrimoines dried .as well as made the future of the unborn generation to prospectively live in an abject poverty through gladistine borrowing without recourse.this was the same government boldly announced removal of fuel subsidy to save the bogus amount spent on subsidy into our national coffers without looking at the ripple effects it will generate to the citizens.we where told, federal government will be saving the total sum of 500 blillion naira monthly which will be injected into the economy to stimulate the overall growth of our local produced for the avoidance queue for foreign exchange.we need to ask our selves some basic fondamental questions.whats wrong with the foundation of our leadership? what's wrong with our sensitivity? what's wrong with our actions and inactions in providing a united nigeria? must we always render a selfish services that does not foster the growth of the nation?we must not continue to replicate the same thing and then expect to hav a different result.if this government is in touch with the reality,they need to look at themselves in the face and realize that their inept policies and decision has brought nothing but untold hardship to the millions of the nigerian citizens.this palliative measure,will aid more corruption into the system since the handlers of this so called palliative are fantastically corrupt,the effect will become corrupt driven instead of cushioning the effects of subsidy removal to ameliorate the hardship occasioned by the subsidy removal.basically,i see this palliative as a condict pipe to appropriate the said billions of naira made for the palliative among the political elite.first issues anticipated to be in the front burners is,how would federal government gets a validated figures and data of the poorest 12 millions household in nigeria?on what premise would the data be generated?who are the agents to generate this data?what formula would the money be disbursed?look,this money will only be paid to the members of the APC and some factions of the pdp .this is just a national decoy for financial looting.modern economy,would work effortlessly to create job, empower the jobless youths, support small scale businesses,and fix up our moribund refineries that is in its comotos states before meditating of fuel subsidy removal .not all things are removable especially when it has to deal with the people's general welfare.Alot of nigerians are dying silently with the removal of subsidy.transportatioin,food stuff,and other purchasable item,has skyrocketed to its interval scales of measurement .the primary aims of governance,is to protect lives and property.lives now matters nothing to the government.under their watch, millions of the innocent nigerians are been killed day in,day out.we must rise up to this occasion and accept our human lapses for possible adjustment.we must robustly make a substantial improvement in protecting our citizens.we must collective pay a sacrifices for one nigerianess to be birth to Annihilate greeds, bitterness, criminality,ethnicism, electoral malfeasance, intolerance,and pride out of our national lives.we must collectively build the prosperous Nation craved for from our forebears.we must bequeath great legacies for the generations yet unborn by setting them on the part of unity and progress . retrogressivism in the area of poor historical tales,must be washed out through the overburning energy of a progressive foundation laid to effectively reengage our collective purpose for the overall development of our dear nation.politics is nothing but politics.politics is never a true governance.politics,belongs to the interest of a political party affiliation.while governance, undyingly belongs to the general interest of the people.we must learn and master the unflinching power to accommodate national interest out of our political interest.politics is nothing but a game for group interest.national interest becomes sacrosanct the moment elections are gone.if we refuses to tame this incompatible interest of conflicts,it will be apparently elusive to get things done for the growth and development of the nation. we must not continue to make lives becoming somewhat cumbersomely unbearable for the innocent nigerians and expect the population of the citizens not to protest with government policies that lack human face.kill the course of agitations,and agitators will surely be dissipated. my name is Clifford igwe.aka Cliff dboss.exponent"political psychology,,,"and an entertainer.

Monday, 17 July 2023


love is a natural phenomenon expressively given to mankind from A precreational being (GOD).love is a component of matters and that of human hypothalamic energy of expression.what this means,for love to be expressed,there must be something that needs to occupy such space.though,one must also hav to be alive before love can be expreased.the cognitive perspective of love, encompasses sense of reasoning in order to genuinely place the expression of love to the appropriate is never is a careful expressions of emotional feelings irrespective of its catastrophic consequences that may occur in your future wishes .ABC theory of personality,believes"Everybody must not love u,and everybody must not hate you.this psychological theory,tries to provide a substantial ground for the covert consciousness of human varieties of choices,likes vs dislikes,good vs bad,goodluck vs bad luck,and pleasntness vs human is ever by nature ,is observably faliable.what this means,man is an imperfect being.the only being that is infallible is God.since human desires are dynamic,it becomes elusively pronounced to get hold of generality of love.the conceptuality of love, is overwhelming in its acceptability,this however,can only be rooted from the biblical point of view that says"love thee neighbour as thee self.this biblical induction is not generally practiceable in the world today.bitterness,hates, enviness, jealousy,and social stratas are some of the indispensable anormalies that has marred true quest for the generalization of love.people terms to love differently.basically,i love tall ladies,and intelligent ladies.believing me,A certain friend of mine has perchants of love for short ladies.human definition of love is centred on choices that could somewhat deals with realism.human kind of love,is sprung up on personalities,looks, material gains and driven by infatuation.atleast,we hav heard countless of times, lovers dumps their loved babes, concubin,and wife for another.the factulity for this,is due to the material facts that humans are insatiable being.we always place much energy for curiousness which however, literarily puts human as a dynamic animal.our emotional, intelligibility,and social adventures can never be overemphasized.dear friends,hav this at the back of ur conscious mind that,you can never be loved by all.pleasing your enemy,is an Avenue to get into you and completely destroy you.when you help your enemies who severely sees nothing good about you,is like empowering your enemy to strike you astonishingly .never you beg for love when love is not forthcoming.Be your self.don't donate your self to selfish being whose only plans for you is to see u fail in all your endeavors.whatever is not for your good,can never be part of you in the first place.if they pray to leave,pls,show them the exit doors.those who begs for love,are oftentimes misusd .the essence for the misusage,is lack of value on the part of the person begging to be loved.what is not good,can never be good even in your ur custody no matter how you tries to fashion it look good.develop self repudiation and some forms of integrity.good attracts good,and bad attracts bad.if your a nice person and you incessantly attracts evil people to your life,pls,dear friend,go back to your drawing board to figure out your human lapses and make proper adjustment before is too an error to see your self cry when you love putting smiles on people's faces .learning how not to be taking for granted is never to be classified arrogance.christ our lord was not loved by the people in equilibrium.He was killed by his haters who felt he was going against the law of moses.never feel bad when people you trust repugnantly hates you out of nothing.pls, abandon them and move on with your life. A beautiful wine needs no advertisement.Be a nice person irrespective of what you get in return from your haters. my name is clifford igwe.aka Cliff dboss.exponent"political psychology,and an entertainer.

Monday, 10 July 2023


Nigeria systemic failure,is undoubtedly associated with political behavioral inadequacies which has eaten deep in every falcron of our national lives.these however,has created an immense tension that has crippled the entire system of behavior.A situation where meritocracy is been morgated for political self aggradizement and parochialism,such nation will continue to neglect behavioral tendencies in achieving the visions and dreams of her founding fathers.instructively,every citizen of this nation,ought to hav placed national interest against selfish gains.looking at the manners our military officers are been retired from active service,you will surely concur with me that the system and her rottenness has been characterized with unjusticeable decisions across the entire armed forces.Every politicians, somewhat tries to selfishly secured an unalloyed loyalty from those at the helms of affairs to control and undemocratically dictates for the nigeria populace.constitutionally,this is unacceptably poor.the acts of separation of power,can not be overemphasized. as such,we must hold this in a higher esteem if we must forge ahead as an indivisible nation.nigeria now a banana republic. where lawlessness,driven impunity, overrides our national and collective interest just to comfort the elites and overbloat themselves with illed homongus wealth from our national patrimony.we can not also forget in a hurry how the formal Chief justice of nigeria Tanko,was retired to pave way for stooges in assuming such a sensitive position.appointments are now literarily dished out with so much loopsidedness, ethnic coloration,and insensitively decorated with religious lines.the entire system needs a total overhauls to enable the system perform it's optimum obligations.we need youngsters to run this outdated systems.we need fresheers with modern economic strategic capacity to perform this core responsibility for the overall interest of the populace not for the fewder system.the issues associated with mmesoma padding figure for her jamb scores,is a call for a national concerned.we can't suddenly turn blind eyes where most of our political heavy weights are still in court for perjury.look,the younger ones are fast learning from the rot system.believing,if mr A can get away with their crime for perjury,why can't they do same?now, let's peep into our failed electoral system that had turn it's independent empire into a nightmarish Empire against the nigeria electorates.the shame elections that took place this year,will certainly leave many nigerians fully prepared for arms for any upcoming elections .if the electoral tribunal refuses to do the i said,the younger generation are watching keenly on the prospective verdicts that will come out from the election tribunals.the prospect for the teeming unemployed youths,is deemed.if we look inwardly,we shall understand that we as a citizens of this nation are not getting it right to cushion the negative effects of poverty, unemployment, iliteracy,and high cost of living.the level of abject poverty occasioned by the fuel subsidy removal,has remained indelible to the psyche of millions of nigerians.A country where laws of gravity is inapplicable in our purchasing index,such nation will continue to wallow in excruciating poverty.the political actors in the polity,are wicked and hav no iota of what the masses are going through.this country must be saved from this quargmare .we must rise up to initiate a positive change that will demonopolize our bleeding economy.we must wear truth and it's accurate prejudice.our moral conscience,must be bogusly gratifying for the benefit of this generation and the ones yet unborn.we must tackle this army of unemployment before it cascade to an unrest,and national apocalyptic tendencies.the youths are tired.they are watching keenly on the unfolding happenings in the system.the high level of killings and pogroms going on in the south east,is a dastard act of negligence from those we called our political leaders whose dual obligations is to protect lives and properties but shy away from their core duties.nigeria is at its pricipe,like a keg of a gun powder waiting to explode.we most rescue this nation from disintegrating through a sincere proper negotiations from various ethnic secessionist to work together as an indivisible nation.i hav said this in different fora,those who claims Nigeria unity is not negotiable,are truly the real enemy of this nation.we must negotiate with various warring factions who felt been relegated to the corner when it comes to national interest.peace is synonymous with national development.we must look at the dynamics of our ethnic and religious practices if we must move speedily forward as a nation.we must consciously inbebe democratic tenets in carrying out our duties as Public elected servants.we must reconfigure our poor,bigotric,and selfish emotional intelligence if we must forge ahead as a sovereign nation.we need to look ourselves in the eyes and say enough of this charades that has brought us nothing but untold hardship,poor historical image records,and dejection from commitee of nations whenever the name nigerians is been mentioned.why can't we set a palatable political status quo?order than emulating from a negative statusquo?That mr A.deriaded from getting it right, doesn't mean His successor must do same.power is transient.we must factcheck our actions and inactions to actively re-evaluate our performance in office and make a placement of achievable gains we must regained our global pride as the giant of Africa where realistic egalitarian society is genuinely possible. calling for a structural adjustment from the citizens and in another breath,the leaders in our public office lives an opulence lifestyles,is deceptive.we must practice what we preach.for cry out loud, where is our self conscience ? where is our morals?where is our self sense of judgement?and where is our selfless service to the nation which u benefited from it's largese at the expense of the millions of poor nigeria populace?we must turn a newleave for a productive nation to be birth and accommodate all citizens irrespective of our religious affiliation and ethnic divides. poverty bears no tribe nor religion.poverty is poverty.we must not block every substantial channel for self development and wealth creations. in our collective efforts,we shall become an envious nation many nation will be proud of. my name is clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss.entertainer,and exponent"political psychology"

Wednesday, 5 July 2023


University is an institution for all educative learnable activities However,such learning activities are often times an advancement of all existential knowledge . nowadays students perhaps,are now coheisively obsessed by their peers to follow societal trends over proper search for useful knowledge.obviously,the university institution,has grously reduced its self for chellatants whose sole aim and intentions, is to significantly cause mayham and an unwanted change against the school laid down norms.tremendiously, obscenities has become the other of the day,cultism and other unofficial behavioural patterns now records high above the overall objectives for the academic quest for learning.A situation where students goes to classroom dressed in a very obnoxious and harlotry looks,it is unacceptable.this trends must be curtail and be regulated by the university authorities.we must finetone an enlasting solutions to decimate this behavioral abberiation and flush out the real negative image makers away from the system.Reminiscing some years back during my academic days in the university of port-harcourt,the level of immorality and it's unimpressive fora for showcasing indecent dresses ,where abysmally low as several students where working so hard, effortlessly to pass their exams and come out in a flying colour.Today,what hav we?A university graduate that finds it hard to compose a smooth grammatical sentence in qn easy writings,memos, and etc.i remember one female students whose only duty been a student,was to be purchasing all the textbooks for me to read while i inturns aids her to pass her exams.As the course rep,many female students who had no business attending classes, Will do anything for the course rep just to pass inabilities to date all that came around, would hav grandstand me losing my job as many found ocassio'n against me in promolgating some bazzre malicious romour against my person just to malignantly place me in a bad records before my lecturers.what was the issues leveling against me?That clifford is arrogant,refusal to assist them sorts for courses ,And He does not pick calls.evidently,the moment i realized ur calls to me is out of my obligatory responsibility as course rep,i will unapologetically declined.asking ur course rep out,is just a chioce for acceptance or to rejects such an,doing such to them,becomes blisteringly hot for me to say am not interested'this is where my crime has just begun.i think,we must painstakingly place a call for probation on every students for each semester.this however,will re-energized,reshape,and redouble the efforts of any students who is unable to get the agreeable cut off sets by each department to her students.this pattern was unanimously adopted in my department ,and the resultant effects became enermously successive than a mere academic illusions.students came to a conscious reality of taught for academic performance than materialistic ventures as many students became studious before exams.we terms to see many students competing for grade rather than learning.learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior and experience.whatever that has been learnt,is stored.presumeably,A students whose only efforts is to make good grades without learning,is endangering his future in the labour market.A products with expired contents,can never be useful.we must tame this irrelevances and enshrined proper training of the students to graduate with learning and character.many students lacks good character.poor mannerisms and inadequate preference for quality learning.we must prepare them to be able to face the labour market and make an immense contribution for nation building.we must keep our academic environment for qualitative learning and compete favourably with other comittee of nations.Our education must not be nightmarish for both the lecturer and her students.they must somewhat develop a synergistic attitude for collaborative knowledge. Academic success is not a ground for measurements of success in general terms., don't also forget,there is no universal formula to ascertain what is successful.your success may be my failure,my failure,could become ur own success.AS regard to qcademic knowledge ,it is a necessity because,it affords us the prudential boldness to justify what is right and understand when our rights are been infridged upon in order to alertly become defensive. Education is not a ways of life, but people's sharps experiences for undergoing procedural learning . learning is a procedure before mastering takes place. A society predominantly enclaved by illiterates,crime becomes an arrogant practice where people comits crime without fear of the laws. my name is Clifford igwe aka cliff entertainer,and the exponent, political psychology.

Saturday, 1 July 2023


Yvonne nelson a ghanian movie star with a dilematic identity.without any equivocation,she is unfit, unelevated and does not stand a perfect ground to author a book in the modern society where ventilation of human intelligence has been associated with some degree of evaluative measurements.Yvoone's recent book titled"I am not Yvoone nelson"was a misappropriation of emotional priority other than educative prepositions for learnable activities as such,she misfired.Yvoone nelson is a sociopathic liar filled with some higher sense of imaginary image of sexual Activities.honesly,i think therefore,it is absurd dragging people from her past to feature in her poor linguistics deficits of abook just to Curry favour from her overwhelming unintelligible teeming fan.Exposimg her mother's ilicits affairs with several men to the general public,is nothing but a global ignominious play of a movie scene which is palpable to leave an inflatable reference to her generation whenever issues pertaining a mother who had lived a wayward lifestyles pops up .Yvoone nelson ought to hav drew some strength of bravity from her mother's unacceptable lifestyles by using the ugliest experience as a yardstick to set a new behavioral voyage différents from what the family is known for.isn't that childish dragging her past sexmates she had an escapede affairs with to the public?look Yvoone, Abortion is a sin before ur Maker as well as against the Nigerian law as such,is not idealing to be celebrated but a total rebuttal that emanates from such a shameful and unacceptable behavior the society at large frawns at.tryimg to squeeze my workaday reflective memory on my first meeting with this delectable acclaimed actress in 2010 in accra during my preparatory stage to produce my first movie.Intentionally,i had wanted to feature her and other ghanian stars as jackie Appiah, Majid michael etc.firstly,i met majid who later sent jackie appiah's contacts, Yvonne Nelson martha Akumah,van vicker,and my respected director frank Rajay Arase whom invited me to meet him up at the Accra mall to fashion out modalities for the movie production.ladies and gentle men,Before i met frank Raja,i hav been calling Yvoone's line for us to meet up in order to negotiate and hand her the movie script.Behold,she sent me the contact of one ghanian actor claiming to be her PA.The demilutive actor requested i should hand the script to him claiming yvoone has travelled out of ghana which i reluctantly bulged to that illogica demands.ladies and gentle men, after one hour gone,my set phone rung,behold,it was Yvoone calling to meet up with me after i had giving the script to her acclaimed PA to send across to her .i picked up the call and i asked in affirmation,"Yvoone is that you what for?she said"i just met with my PA,He says u look good and ur a nice guy"i then unimpressively replied"okay"she requested to meet me in my hotel which i sent my hotel adress to her.ladies and gentle men,within possible 30 minutes she drove down to my hotel with her sports utility vehicle RAV4 to be precise.we then exchanged some pleasantries but she refused to say hi to my then Pa.whereas,my PA was all excited seen the screen diva and made bold to say hi to her with a hand shake,she arrogantly snubbed him .Before we could spelt jack, Yvonne burst into laughter.i was astonished to what may hav secreted her laughter.i tried to push further for my conviction as the reasons for her laughter by asking"young lady, what's wrong?she replied"did u just called this hungry looking guy ur PA?i was flabbergasted at her childish behavior.the actor he claimed to be her PA,is a midget and poorly dressed yet,i never rain abusive words on him.look i do not want to dulvage certain things we hard here but all i know is that the woman Yvoone is a pathological liAr.Yvoone who claimed to hav been out of the country shown up her full self to me after meeting her acclaimed PA.she came to my hotel dressed in a transparent night gawn that was stupidly revealing.ladies and gentlmen,we shall go in details on this topic to unearthed Yvoone's warward lifestyles. my name is cliff DBOSS.exponent of political psychology and a movie producer.


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...