Monday, 27 June 2022


The right to choose what to listen,hear,see,act,and behave are my exclusive natural right no one can change"cliff dboss"

Sunday, 12 June 2022


There are several behavioral traits capable of creating healthy relationship.These are as follows: (1)if the man is a troublesome spouse.pls,you as the wife,learn how to be a very calm person for two people can not be mad at a time. (2)if the man hav talent in watching football whereas,the wife like watching telemundo and this attitude portend a serious danger for the unity of the marriage,pls,ladies,learn how to join him and put more interest in watching football when ever he focuses adequate interest in watching football that day .in doing this,you will hav a healthy relationship. (3)If the woman is the type that like adding much pepper in the food and the man dislikes much pepper in the food,ladies,learn how to remove some quantity of the food from the pot with little quantity of pepper for his own that will last until the food finishes,and later on add the quantity you want for ur self! (3)If the woman is the type that hav talents in too much talk in every little thing,you as the man,develop talent for not listening to her too much talk especially when it makes no sense. (4)if the woman is the type that does not wash your cloth neatly,oga,wash your cloth for your self or better still,take it to a drycleaner to help you out! (5)if the man is the type that oftentimes goes out at night whenever he is back from work to drink bottles of beer,woman,pls,buy that beer and store it in the refregirator whenever he is back from work,open your refridgrator and bring out bottle of beer when he finished eating his dinner and see if he will go out as usual! this will go along way to solve some of our manmade problems that are unspiritual! we shall continue this piece of work next week.for now,remain blessed. my name is Clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss,A prolific writer,Event mc,exponent"political psychology,author"introduction to political psychology,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. for more


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...