Monday, 23 May 2022


Every woman,is an embodiment of Emotions.women generally,are unique creatures for assistable hands in unifying and uplifting the overt desirable visions of a every good man for success.women,are the main caused of our hustle in striking at a progressive ventures in order to somewhat,prove a point we hav finally made it in life.without women,life would hav been boringly unvalued.can any man do without a woman?nor perhaps function effectively without a woman?i know some would say "many successful men,do not hav any woman by their side.dear friends,this is an empirical fallacies of thoughts,.no man without a woman,and no woman without a man.biological scientist has proven ,for any conception to take place,the chromosomal translocation,must encompass with the two opposite sex,either by natural or unnatural conception.what this means perhaps,is that no man can effectively function without a woman vice long as every man,carried the chromosomes of a woman which is 23 other hands,every woman,carries 23 chromosomes of a man.with this biological facts,it becomes expedient to note,every man,is a woman,and every woman is a man.we may physically assume we do not need a woman nor a woman do not need a man,yet we all finds ourselves performing some characteristics of a woman in an unconscious ways.likewise women doing same.what then can be term as the characteristics of a woman men unconsciously performed?when a man talks like a woman,developed tiny voice like a woman,dances like a woman,and obligatorily performing some female duty more than a woman,these are the female chromosomes at work found in the mind and body of the man.when a woman do and develop some masculine features,nor perform masculine task far better than the man,the male 23 chromosomes is sufficiently at,back to our main topics that says"WOMEN'S NEED" WHAT DO WOMEN NEEDS FROM HER MAN? (1)EVERY WOMAN NEEDS SOME DEGREE OF RESPECT:Women loves to be respected at every given time.the way the man talks to his woman,speak volumes of her self worth.many women with low self esteem,are oftentimes engendered by how they are been treated by their men.what on earth would make a man calls his woman "ugly?dear men,even if she is not fine,call her sweet names like,pretty,sweetie,my machine,my cute baby,and my beautiful assets.then watch her grow with that mentality of higher esteem for self understanding that she is a fine girl.when this name is been called repeatedly,her Emotions,and a biological component will began to adjust to fits her into the name you call her each day that passes by.this is called a psychological techniques in bringing out hidden things into visibilities. (2)WOMEN NEEDS TO BE TAKING CARE OF: beauty is an enhancement of materials for its essential needs.A beautiful woman without been properly taken care of,will certainly fade away.every woman,needs to be taking care of by her man.As a man,buy her new clothes,wrists watches,pairs of shoe, me,she will evidently look beautiful.don't expect her to look beautiful when she wears only one cloth.guys,be up her things that are invoke and see how she will not look beautiful for you! (3)EVERY WOMAN NEEDS A ROMANTIC GUY: DO u agree with me ,many guys are unromantic?guys,while she is going to bed for the night rest,kiss her head and say,baby i love you good night.when she wakes up in the morning,tell her good morning pretty,how was your night?no woman will ever develop hatred for such a man except such woman is a beast! (4)EVERY WOMAN LIKES ASSURANCE. Guys,how many times did you give that woman some grounds of assurance by defining your relationship with her as something that will lead both to the altar?how many times did you tell her ,no other woman would ever take her place in your heart?How many times did you assured her,i will always stand by you no matter the circumstances?well,to have a good woman,is to be a good man. (5)WOMEN LIKE GOOD SPENDER WITH THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE FUTURE: Money they say"is the means for the measurements of values.every woman needs woman can function with out money.women is money,money is for the women.A man can try as much as possible to survive with little money.but no woman can survive with little money, due to the fact ,their numerous needs,is a tastament they need money more than the male folks.women needs to buy pads for their period.they needs to buy inner wears as many as they for me,i can't withstand any dirty girl!you must be neat every you know some women do not hav up to 3 panties?some wears one single pant for some days before changing it.dear guys,if you hav a woman with this unacceptable behavior,pls,do the needful,get her more panties or better still give her money to buy more panties for her self.don't insult her,don't call her names like "your a dirty girl!rather,give her reasons she needs to change her panties every day for health reasons.i hav a pain,yet,i do not feel pain,is there means i hav no pain at all.the pain of every woman,is a pain to all.we must Extricate them from the the negative societal notions of prostitution especially those that are doing fantastically well in their various careers.we must cherish them,we must put them in their rightful place of Honor,we must cherish them and what they represent in the society,we must give them credence for standing by us all day this and take it to the bank,i do not support gender equality,but i support female aspirations to be a Democratic participations at all stratifications both in governance and private sectors. my name is Clifford igwe,Aka cliff dboss,.for more

Monday, 9 May 2022


there are allotted time for everything either ,divinely or materiallly.yes oh,the political time and it's electioneering period,is fast approaching .which will certainly box other weaker aspirants into the corner.believe it or leave it,the two most giant political parties in Nigeria ofwhich Apc and Pdp,already knows whom their candidates are prior to this time.this,can easily be subsumed to the minds of those who are novice to make a comprehensive study of Nigerian politics which is predominantly colourated with spur ethnicity,and self agradizement.if ur an Audient readers of my political pierce of written engagement,you will therefore,understand with me,my political assumptions,perceptions,and predictions are evidently unfailled accuracy that can stand the taste of time !my self and my team of informative personnel are unapologetically onpoint in gathering political information through proper observation,administrations of questionnaire ,and proper examination of the candidates presented for any elections.these i say did not come by happenstance,it was carefully designed to achieve the aforementioned task.To this,we give God the glory whose insight on us,is enormous and robustly manifest in all our political predictions.dear friends,the present happenings in apc, has become like a crystaball peeping into the political future to see greatly whom the cap for the apc presidential ticket will rest on.dear friends,join me to welcome Hon.chibuike Rotimi Amaechi as the apc presidential candidate come 29th of may 2022.this will come as a result of consensus arrangements or by delegates voting.politics is not just local,but national.A local champion can never defeat a national champion.The problem associated with the nigerian populace,is that we know how to overate incompetent noise makers as master of the game.whereas,the real master of the game are silent workers whose only duty is to undergroundly work for their success without much noise whatsoever.pdp on its part will be suprise to see whom they never believe will emerge as candidate ! !wike may emerge as pdp presidential candidate. ladies and gentlemen,watch out as the political events unfold! my name is Clifford igwe,aka cliff dboss A prolific writer,motivational speaker,exponent"political psychology,Author"introduction to political psychology,movie producer,and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. For more


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...