Sunday, 31 October 2021

THE YOUTHS"cliff dbosss"

 Youths generally are the engine boat of the society. Youths are the foundation for a progressive society. Youths possesses the overall power to establish how a lawful and lawless society should be designed. Every single youths, holds the future of the next generations. No society can progressive move forward without he general contributory energy of the youths. Youths perhaps, remains the hope and the aspirations of a national development. The overt society has decayed because, our today's youth has become somewhat hopeless. The high level of all sorts of crime labelled activities which are mainly associated with our today's youths, can never be over emphasized. It is fantastically glaring to say that our today's youths, are out of shameful conducts. In a society where those the youths looks up to now behave and conducts themselves in a way and manner that defiles societal standard. Is something we should be boarder of. Some of our youths, are misguided. Information they say is power to know the unknown. Some of our today's youths lack proper information due to their inability to seek for existing knowledge. It should be noted, every single youths, is an aspirant of either good or bad. Why? This is because, the mindset of get rich at all cost, has saturated the minds of our youths. How do we Ameliorate the problems our youths are facing which is occassioned by the competitive society we all found our selves. Nigeria as a country, has no regards for the youths. A situation where a man in his 40s, assumes political offices in some of the political parties as national youths leaders, then there is a problem. This is call for a national concern. Our old political folks, has refused to retire and give the youths the chance to lead. They are very economical with the truths. Referring our youths to starts from the grassroots level, is apparent a political limitations to the youths from exercising their franchise. The society is in a decayed state because, many of the youths are not properly engaged with something financially rewarding. Those with good intent, are not cared for to hyness their optimal potentials. Every youths, is an embodiment of lawfullness and lawlessness. Their lawlessness fits in where they realized no help from whose ever in pursuing their God giving visions. They resorts to self help. This is one of the major factors that oftentimes dragged the youths into all kind of crime labelled activities. The visions of every govt, must encapsulate the visions of her youths. We must all wake up from this total negligence of the youthful tendencies for positive development. Every youths, must be aided to fulfill his aspirations. Not dishing out policies that lacks human face. Policies are made to accelerate development. Not to cripple development. 

The purpose of every govt, is a continuation of good legacy projects and policies. 

He that calls himself a public servant, must serve with humility and respect. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, events mc, Exponent of political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title, given to me by my fans across the globe. For more info:mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail. Com

Friday, 29 October 2021


 There is no doubt to say, apc under the able leadership of malam buni, has brought alot of favor, prosperity and success for the party as we have witnessed  alot of gales of defections from other political party to apc. Is no longer contestable to say that the inflow of defectors into apc in ANAmbRA state, is something we should commend the leadership of the party at the national level. Apc as a political party, is waxing very strong in preparations to the forthcoming general elections come 2023.apc will still retain power beyond 2023.back to our topic that centres on anambra election. Apc will lose Anambra election with the following reasons :

(1)A divided house can't stand:unity they say is progress. It may interest u to note that apc in Anambra state, is going for the upcoming election with a divided house. Divided house, does not have the united power to challenge their enemies, not to talk of defeating one. 

(2)) The issues of imposition of party candidature :this is another factor that will mar the chances of apc as a party winning Anambra state. This is because, many of the party chieftain, will vent their aggressive behavior on the apc candidate by working against his victory. Those who where short changed during the last Anambra guber primaries, will do everything to ensuring apc will not emerge victoriously for the election. 

(3)court litigation. This is another factor capable of slimming the chances of apc emerging victoriously for the Anambra election. Those of the contestants who felt the election was rigged to favor senator Andy uba, are challenging the iligality that brought him as the party candidate in court. This may turn out nullifying his candidature. This however portend a great danger for apc as a political party. 

(4)southeastern hatred for the part:this is another challenges apc will face in Anambra state. From my survey, 80 percent of the people in Anambra do not like apc as a political party. Simply because, they felt short-changed under this federal govt. In the area of political office and appointment. Now let's look at the Nigerian force, non of the Igbo son is occupying number one position from the military to the police force. From the national assemblies, non is occupying number one position at the assemblies. This factor is evidently capable of making apc to lose Anambra election. 

(5)Hope uzuodima factor:this factor is widely spread with the notions that the governor of IMO state can not come all the way from IMO state to dictate to them who should govern Anambra state. This factor will surely affect apc on the day of the election. Forget about some gales of defection from other political party to apc, the voting power lies in the hands of the population. Some of the personalities who defected to apc, will be disappointed on the day of the election how ApGA will defeat them even in their various wards and local govt. Soludo, will win, but not in a landslide. 

Politics is a game for the smart intellects, and not for the dullest. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss , A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, Exponent of political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.title given to me by my fans across the globe. For more info:mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail. Com


 You can't love what u haste, and u can't hate what u love"cliff dboss"


 IN every mistakes, there are new intakes "cliff dboss"


 Never u bargain with the things that are worthless, for worthless things, will forever remained worthless even in ur possession "cliff dboss"


 The two vital weak points to get at ur enemies, mastering his temperaments, and forcing him to act"cliff dboss"


 God, don't give money to humans, He gives values, Talents, potentials, and creative ideas to attract money"cliff dboss"


 Never join issues with those below ur class. Ignore them. Ur silence, is the greatest weapon for the response they craved for"cliff dboss"


 The loyalty of every poor man, is neccessicitated by his empty stomach "cliff dboss"


 Loyalty without reward, is slavery "cliff dboss"

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Tiwa salvage sextape saga"cliff dboss"

 Well, is no longer a hidden story that our pretty delectable diva Tiwa salvage has proven to be the most strongest African female celebrity who apparently knows how to manage ugly situations to her credits. She must be given credence for her bravery response to all the internet trollers who wanted to use the sextape saga to fact shame her cherished and celebrated personality. She is an African female icon.I remembered speaking with her on the phone, her response was superlative of a strong woman with the heart of a man..  Making a mistake perhaps, is one thing, and using ur mistakes to ur strengths, is commendable. Trust me, many African celebrities,  if where in her shoes, will apparently put up a defensive mechanism to cover their shame. Instead, she used it to console her self by admitting she enjoyed it. Trust me,  such an African women, are rare gens. As regard losing her cooperate endorsement deals, she did not lossed any endorsement deal from any cooperate organization. She will get more international brand endorsement for her bravery response to all the inappropriate trolls she gets from her bad wishers. The greatest things about life, is that learning is always a continuous process. I strongly believed she must have learnt from the abundance of mistakes she made by allowing her make make records of her intimate moments. She may be in a complete regression of her act within her mindset, but she never allowed it deter her life pursuits, nor used it as an element of depression against her cherished personality. 

No man is innocent because, we are all governed by divine laws. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss


 Why should I care about people's perceptions towards me? When I already know perceptions kills no body. My only concern however, is people, s actions on me because, actions kills faster than perceptions "cliff dboss"

Monday, 25 October 2021


 Friends suffering from trust deficits, puts ur life in total danger"cliff dboss"


 Africa, can only move forward when we collectively wear a white minds in a black body"cliff dboss"


 Africa, Has never valued it's shadows, not until is finally separated from the body"cliff dboss"

Five ways to overcome financial dependency from ur spouse"cliff dboss"

 Financial dependency, has always been a huge task from partners who happens to be the breadwinners of the home. To carter for anotherperson's financial pressing needs, is often times very cumbersome. These subject matter, has caused alot of broken homes and marital conflicts just for an  irrelevant needs from either the opposite partner. Why do I say some of the needs are irrelevant? This is because when demands are made without priorities, it is insensitive, irrational, and illogical. Do u know that some women, do some demands like, money for make up, money for aso abi, money to buy new car. Whereas, her child has just been sent out of school due to the inability of the man to pay for his school fees. It becomes evident, the jobless spouse, is no longer in tandem with the realities of things. Whenever truths becomes economical, then, there is a huge disharmony. 

To overcome financial dependency :

(1)get ur self a job or create one

(2)start up a little business from the savings u get from ur spouse

(3)Associate ur self with friends who are either workingclass or doing their own business 

(4)carry out a feasibility study of that business u want to do to avoid misfortune in ur business. And 

(5)Don't spend more than ur means. 

However, I strongly believed, all the outlined guides, are self explanatory only if u can work on them judiciously

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, exponent"political psychology, and the man blessed with so much wisdom and knowledge. For more info:mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail. Com. 

Friday, 22 October 2021




 Dreams, are  unconscious supernatural force of actions"cliff dboss"


 Self disciplines perhaps, Happens to be the most elusive tasks in human lives. The brain, is constantly running some crisis with the mortal body, striving for a dominance  and total control of our actions and in actions "cliff dboss"


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...