Saturday, 8 May 2021

The purpose of life"cliff dboss"

 Life is a bundles of uncertainty where one literally can not predict or predestined what life has in  its stuck for him. Many scholars are working effortlessly to predict life in its self, yet they abbysmally failed woefully to understand the panoramic nature of life. 

Life in its concept, connotes the abilities of God in its entirety . what this means, is that no life in the absent of God. God is life, life is God. The definition of life, is centered on God's nature. Therefore, it becomes disheartening to see some unscrupulous elements who derived joy in taking human life. If we exceptionally look at the various incidences where people takes human lives at their own will in Nigeria,  one began to ask some essential questions like, does human lives now valueless? Where is love? Has the society gone so decayed that true sense of feelings, passions, and empathy for one another vanished? Where did we go wrong been created and to coexist with one another in the planet earth? Does it absolutely mean that the ability to adhere to God's instructions for human life is nothing to be acceptable? Our sense of divine understanding for the preservation of human lives is still unstable. If not, why will people wakes up  in the morning to carry out an evil act against their follow humans all in the name of religion, ethnic disharmony, poverty, and divisionism. The society in its self, now cries for  help for sanity. The society has decayed in a way that generations upon generations, has refused to solve the problems of the insane society we humans consciously  created to suits our insatiable desires. If truly we all understand the gravity of the offense in taking human lives, we will all learn how to be our brothers keepers. No matter any forms of livid aggressive situations  we found in our emotions. When the law enforcement agencies whose obligatory duty is to protect lives and properties now shy away with their core responsibility, then, there is a problem. The unwarranted killings of the innocent citizens must be put to an end with immediate effect. All the responsive agencies whose primary duty is to protect lives and properties, must wake up to tackle this ugly menace before it blown out of proportions. A situations where those who derived joy taking human lives now sees their barbaric act as normalcy, then, there is a problem. This has generated into a state where the unlawful citizens now been at war with the law enforcement agencies. Our homes are no longer save. So our police stations. The roads are porous in such a way that hoodlums has taking over our roads to commit crimes and make the business of the innocent citizens who are out there to look for their daily bread unbearable. The Nigerian states is like a place where there are no leaders nor chief security officers both at the national and the state level. Every  body must not be taught to protect its self with arms, otherwise, this will portend a great danger to the next generation yet unborn where the issues of proliferation of arms will become a norm to our growing nation. No society can evidently be in  a safer hands when the personalities that constitutes a society is now in a shadow of its self. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event planner, exponent, introduction to political psychology, author"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Tile given to me by my fans across the globe. 

For more info:mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail. Com. 


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...