Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Bola Tinubu's presidential ambition dead on its arrival "cliffdboss"

 politics is all about strength of character and how the masses perceived ur entire political character if such character are lablled greed, parochial, obstinate, inhumane, poor knowledge about the economic wellbeing of the people, and poor use of political power to enrich ur families as well as enlargement of ur political dynasty. Politics can not be exempted from character assessment. Human characters forms a larger part of his politics. Infact,it is through human character displayed while in public offices we often uses as a basis to predict and classified such personality as been against the people or for the people. Politics is as old as man. We can not deduct our political knowledge to somewhat null and void. Politics is part of man from inception. It is fantastically obvious to say that politics has a connotative drive from power. We all want to be powerful, control people, get rich, become influential, and dish out policies to hav a significant impacts to the masses. But one thing is crucial. We must all understand the people we dishes out these laws and policies, are humans not animals. We must also understand that laws are made for all not sectional. We must understand, Any laws or policies that lacks human face, can not stand taste of time. Such laws must continue and remain broken from impatience citizens whose businesses has been affected through such laws. 

Now back to our topic. 

Tinubu's presidential ambition, is a ghost chase. Don't panic yet.it is agreeable to say he senator Bola Tinubu have the constitutional right which is his perogative power to vie for any elective position if he so desires. I will give u some reasons why Bola Tinubu's presidential ambition is a ghost chase that can not be actualized. 

(1)Bola Tinubu's poor knowledge on the new political dispensation in nigeria:these factor is a serious setback for the self acclaimed political master planner. Look, these present political dispensation which other wise, known as new enlightenment dispensation by the electorates who hav sworn not to be led nor forced to vote for any candidate presented by the greedy political Godfather. As we all know, Tinubu,s pattern of politics, is engulfed with Godfatherism kind of politics. Nigerians electorates are so wise in such a way that they are ready to collect ur material gift, yet vote against any candidate presented by the Political Godfather. Tinubu, s associates canvassing for his presidential bids, already knows these factor will unavoidably work against him.many will say he has paid his dues. He made these and that governor, he made these and that minister. Look, those pinpointed so called achievements are overt product of Godfatherism. For cry out loud, this is a democratic dispensation. One man can not singlehandedly impose a candidate against the majority will of the people all because he controls the party states structure? A good father must allow his children to grow and record a landmark political achievements than he did. 

(2)Bola Tinubu, s political dominiary attitude :this is another factor that is awaiting Tinubu's presidential ghost chase. Look, across the six geo-political regions, Tinubu has been perceived as one trying to break grounds into other regions in the country so he can control other regions same way he is controlling the southwest region through his parochial and despotic politics. These disreputable image, has convincingly created an enemy image between Tinubu and the electorates in those region. 

(4)Tendency to fix all his families and friends into vital public offices if been made nig president :these factor is a serious dangerous signals to senator Bola Tinubu which portend a great disconnection from the eligible electorates. Atleast we all witness how lagos state is been managed. We can not also forget very soon how he made his daughter iyaloja of lagos market against the will of the well experienced hand for that position. Building an image is pleasantly fast, but redeeming a bad image, take decades or centuries to achieve. No amount of media campaign can salvage Tinubu's obnoxious image from the electorates within these short period of years before 2023 presidential election. 

(4)age difference. Age they say is a number. Now listen, black man's age is not just a number but a setback to societal development.many black men of his age, are the problem facing modern nig today. The roit foundation we the youngstars inherited in all  the systems, where sketched by the old political folks who evidently enjoyed the past system through govt scholarship, free school feeding, awaiting job opportunities  after graduation, more educational training abroad, and alot of incentives for the growth and development of the country. We need a smart thinker with anew political behavior different from the poor status quo laid by these old folks which he Tinubu belongs to. 

We do not need an old man that lacks knowledge for modern development of the youths to assume presidency again. Look at the type of book we where mandatorily reading while in the secondary school. The likes of things fall apart, the lion cave etc. Look, these book was supported by the federal govt to enhanced the creativity of the writers and encourage others to follow suits. Today, do we have a national decentralized book author in our school system in order to make writing more lucrative and competitive for the younger generation? Our educational system is domicile because money meant for academic researches are been used for personal gains by the professors. We don't have their kind of thinking. Dear friends, age is a setback and a problem in our leadership systems. 

(5)corruption :corruption is like a ringworm behavior. It spread so fast. It cripples an effective administration, it engender crisis, it causes poor leadership and regional sentiment and segregation. Senator Bola Tinubu may not be found wanting in many of his corrupt cases, for the fact he plays Godfather politics, he is fantastically corrupt. Godfather politics is not a clean political game under any democratic epoch. A political Godfather is irresponsible. As such, he can collect bribe nor pay bribe to enable his preferred candidate emerge winner of the primary or national elections. A political godfather, hav the tendencies of eliminating any candidate working against his preferred candidate. A political godfather, hav the tendencies to enter into an unholy agreement with his stooges on how public coffers can be shared among the Political elite. And a political godfather, is desperate. Such desperation, can energize all the aboved mentioned leadership abnormalities. 

The wise ones observe the dancing tones of the larger citizen to ascertain where he should belong. While the ignorant, dance with the deceptive minds whose intentions is to detect the tones of the vipers. 

My name is Clifford nnamdi igwe. Aka cliff dboss. A prolific writer. Other titles, suspended till further notice. 

For more.  mrandmrsdemocracy@mail.com 



re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...