Thursday, 27 August 2020

Game politicians plays"cliff dboss"

 Politics they say" is a game. In every game, there must be a winning team.  the success of any winning team, goes with unity and sincerity of purpose. 

Every politicians is desperate. 

The desperation in the  minds of  every politicians, can not be over emphasize. 

Every politics, is local. The locality found in the political arena, goes with the strength of popularity any politicians records across political and religious divide. Many politicians are seeking for publicity, but undermining personal reputations and how it affect the future generation. The question is this, what type of publicity capable for aiding any politicians win elections? What direction can such publicity from a politician drive him to? And how does the populace perceived such publicity stunt pull by any politicians?  reasonable or a political ironic behavior in winning any election? 

Atleast, we have seem and observed how numerious politicians deceived her electorates during electioneering campaign. Many, went as low as eating roasted corn on the street. Many, have been seeing eating in a local food vendors as an antics to buy the heart of his electorates. Now, the questions is, why are they displaying such a deceptive behavior to their gullible electorates? and why is  this deceptive behavior comes seasonal only when election is fast approaching? 

Where did we the electorates gone wrong to received such a deceptive and Carlos  attitude from our present crops of politicians? 

The major problem affecting the electorates from taken a wise decision in choosing who governs them, is poverty and patry education. 

Now let's look at poverty:poverty is a serious maladies that is capable of crippling a tiny productive society. Do u agree with me that poverty can make a man do the unthinkable when his predicament becomes out of control? Poverty can also make a poor man become stupidly loyal to his pay master to the extent he can ask him to kill anyone opposed to his ambition?  and such a poor man will adhere to such instructions and carry out such an umbomenable act? Our politicians understands  the power of poverty and how it controls the behavior of her electorates, they used it against the electorates in winning elections through what they called stomach infrastructure. What a nonsense. I had tirelessly carried out a modern research to find out if such stomach infrastructure used by our politicians, of such is also applicable in some of the democratic nations across the globe! Dear friends, we must fight poverty in our society if we must elect good leaders. Look, a poor man is like a blind man, deaf, powerless, and one suffering from speech impairment. A poor man knows what to say, because he is poor, his voice are never heard. A poor man see, s the right thing to do, but chooses to follow the wrong direction because he lacks the abilities to direct himself to the future. As such, he needs someone to sustained his today before he talks about the future. A poor man, hears when the music of war, crisis, poor leadership, and public outcry for a change of leadership. Yet, he joins hand with his oppressors to counter any viable protest by well meaning Nigerians just because he has been offered a cup of rice.. A poor nation, with huge numbers of poor citizens, is a retrogressive nation where growth and development becomes minimal Insteaad of rapid growth

Poverty, creates room for crimes and all forms of social vices. Our insecurity challenges will continue to overpower us if we all see nothing good in tackling our core challenges which is poverty. A country where middle class has vsnished like a vapor in the air, will continue to go behind other committee of nations in championing social development goals. Should we continue to allow our political class deceive us with their political gimmick any time they are approaching electioneering period? this is un-nationalistic approach, deceptive, repugnacy, illed behavior, disAffectoonate, and carlosly idiotic from our so called political class. 

Poor education :this is another tools employed by our employees(political class) to make her electorates lack proper sense of direction in differentiating their left from their right. Show me an educated man, and I can assures u how far he can go in defending his human fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution. An illiterate personality takes every challenges as God orchestrated plans! Therefore,  allows others to trample on his right. Our political class knows the power for education. That's while they conventionally crippled our educational system. Look, many of our present crops of politician went to school on government scholarship. Now ask ur self, do will have government scholarship for the masses that is on meritocracy? Our educational scholarship has been hijacked by our politician who now award government scholarship to family and friends unmerited lg. our educational system  now in deficit due to mismanagement of human and material resources. Dear friends, the liberation for our dear country from the hands of our political class with poor leadership wisdom, would start by educating every single citizen of this country to see the light for a quality education. Education, is the sustainable future. Knowledge is not just a power to the powerless, but also a weapon in decimating ignorance from the society. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss., prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, exponent political psychology, author "introduction to political psychology, movie director, movie producer, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. For more  

Thursday, 20 August 2020

"If he exhibit this five signs, he is not for you"cliff dboss"

 Early warning signs are substantially essential in defining every relationship. Many relationship are suffering alot of crisis, due to the inability of the woman to have noticed those early warning signs during their  six or eight months formative relationship. This has rendered many home unviable.the quintessential for any productive relationship , starts with the foundation such relationship was built on. Therefore, if the foundation of the relationship is faulty, it becomes unproductive or evidently characterized with unresolvable differences. please, do not aportion  Any irony of blames to any body. , rather, u have to wake up to ur challenges and start identifying some of ur unreasonable mistakes that has placed u into ur present state of helplessness. I oftentimes, tell some of my female friends who are extremely closed to me,  that u can build something out of nothing. Once a certain behavior has been formed, it takes alot of psychological procedures to bring such an abnormal behavior to an acceptable behavior that are unfrawned by the society at large. 

If he exhibit the following behavior during ur formative relationship, pls, take a walk out of the relationship. For example. 

(1)unapologetic behavior : this factor has been found by many arrogant men who see, s apologies as a way for letting down their personalities if they intentionally say I am very sorry to the woman. Proper apologies, is like an antidote for any future crisis. Apologies have a way of calming every tensed situations if is been said remorsefully. This factor has caused a lot of home into a total dissrary. As well as brought many families into a state of mockry and subjects for idle discussions. Ladies, if that man finds it difficult to say am sorry, pls take a walk out of such relationship because ur emotions and feelings matters nothing to him. An unapologetic man, is capable of unleashing evil to the woman at his own will. 

(2)if he is not domesticating, he is not for u:look ladies, every real men,  are sometimes domesticating during their free period from their numerous  office or business engagements . real men cooks for their women occasionally. What this means,  is that they do this in order to build up their romantic relationships with the woman in solidying the love  foundation of their relationship to a taste of time. Look, when ever that lady in the kitchen , is cooking for the man, a domesticating man, will join her in the  kitchen. plays with her or cracking some jokes for the woman to make her woman feel relaxed and happy while cooking his food. In doing this, the woman see, s the cooking as a source for happiness not stress. Guys, image u teasing her while in the kitchen cooking that delicious meal for u? . She will do all her best to make sure she gives u the best of her cooking prowees. I remembered during my childhood stage seen my dad serving my mom her breakfast on her bed! Guys, through out that day, my mom will be fillled with joy! She will never shout at us nor spank at us at any provocative mistakes. This to me, is romantic and another way of telling the woman I truly love u. Imagine  husband and wife who are working class couple, the man arrives home very early, while the wife, s

working arrival time is 6:30pm. There is no food at home, but there are food stuff at home but he decided to keep him self hungry waiting for the arrival of his wife to prepare him food to eat. In this case, when the woman finally arrives home 8pm due to holdup, the man began to shout at her to enter the kitchen and prepare him his meal. Common, is such woman his slave? And if she decides to take a rest a bit, he beats her up for disrespecting him. This attitude is a classical example of barbarianism in nature. Ladies shine ur eyes! 

(3)if he is hurt tempered,pls take a walk! Alot of crisis in any relationship  with its re-ocourence decimal, in which has made many women packed out of their matrimonial home. , citing  irreconcilable differences as the reasons for their breakup. These are evidently caused by bartering stimulus response.. A man who is giftedly grumpy, sees beating his woman as a way of expression of his anger over any little differences. Instead of using dialogue in resolving issues. Many lives has been lost, many casualties has been recorded, and many families now enemies due to this singular act of illogicalities of behavour. Ladies, a woman beater, does not beats a woman because he hates her, but he uses that to express his aggressive behavior to her woman.. I can tell u unequivocally, that there are some men who doesn't beat their women, yet still drives them out of his home when she offends him. Now, a womAn beater, beats up his woman and still allows her to stay in the relationship or marriage. So therefore, beating a woman, is not a way for saying that man hates or does not love her because he beats her up. This is just a product of irrational thinking, not insufficient love for the woman! Is better to avoid crisis, than solving crisis. When the man beats her up provocatively, such man can never change such behavioral tendencies. ladies, is either u began to live with it or u take a walk for ur safety. And if u must live with it, u must re-examine ur self to avoid those attitudes u often exhibit that do caused him beat u up severely. 

(4)if he is a stingy man, pls take a walk:ladies, is better to date a broke ass guy than to date a rich stingy man. Of what benefit to u having a rich guy who could not give u any thing ? Or is it just to enter in the front of his exotic car to claim ur dating a rich man? This is poor reasoning. Ladies, if he is rich but stringy, that man is not for u. Every responsible man will want his woman to look good and have good things in life as long as he can afford them. The pride of a man, is in the inward and the outward appearance  of his wife or partner. 

(5)if he lacks respect for u, pls walk out:respect they say is reciprocal. If that man whom u cherish alot talks to u any how, undermining how u feel, he is not for u. Ladies, anger can make a man talks carelessly to his woman. But when that anger is gone and he refuses to come back to his senses by  Given u reasons he shouted at u, as well as say pls, forgive me my love. That man is not for u! 

(6)Don't date a careless spender with no investment :every man, is a potential rich person. Wealth or riches, is never authomatic or a rocket science. But through association and well designed future. Nothing happens for nothing. Every seed, awaits harvest time. The actual reasons many unreasonable  girls ends up marrying a poor man, is because, they refused to see beyond their nose. Ladies, when that careless spender is given to u everything u want, but refused to invest for a better future, such love is a futuristic dilemma. Now, u began to build a strong love for him due to the sufficient amount  of money ur getting from him with no investment, business, nor good job.  now, he finally impregnate u out of wedlock. However, after some months, u finds out that the money he spent on you where not genuine money, and within sometime, he became broke. Ladies, now u have no choice because he had put u in a family way! Responsible women, dates men with great vision, and work asidiously in fulfilling his visions. irresponsible woman goes after what they see not what they believe. No responsible man would shun a woman that believed in his dream, contributes to his vision, prays for his success for any forms of slay queen or slay mamas! We haven't asked our selves why 2face left all the baby mamas for Annie idibia? Look, that woman is one of the virtuous woman we have in nig. Her steadfast love for her man was superb. As such, 2face chooses her out of many. Ladies, stop dating a man with poor or no visions, because he will become a products of poverty in the neatest future. 

For the fact that he spents on you with no investment, is a clear indication that he is a future poor man. Investment, is wealth. Wealth, is also a product of proper investment. 

Ladies, a word is enough for The WisE. 

My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss, prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, exponent political psychology, author, introduction to political psychology. And the man blessed with knowledge and wisdom. Titled b my fans across the globe. 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

5 unavoidable signs to notice he does not want u again"cliff dboss

Every relationahip has to be defined. Since we humans are not infallible, therefore we are bonds to make one mistakes and The  other. Building a healthy relationship is one of the most elusive task in our today world of materialism. Healthy relationship works in tandem with quality and standardized behavioral modification in accommodating the weakness of ur partner in fostering a sound relationship for the overall interest of the both parties. therefore, when ever there are some sorts of stains in any relationship, maladaptive behavior must be held responsible for such misunderstood actions from the partner. Have u ever wondered why a newly formed relationship usually hits the rock within a twilights of a time? Have u ever wondered why he stops picking ur calls nor calls u often as he overtimes do? Have u ever wondered why he does not longer care about ur existence? Have u ever wonder why he decided to dump ur ass and follow another woman? Have u ever wondered why he is now after ur best friends and sees u as a burden of fantasies to his realistic ventures? Have u ever wondered why ur seduction to him behind closed door is no longer attractive to him? Have u ever wondered why ur material demands has become a crime any time u do such a demand? Now go with me down the track to digest this crucial topic that has denied u ur own suitor. Every relationship is a components. The components for every relationship is essentials to how our relationship are determined. The determinant factors capable for deraling a healthy relationship and why that man does no longer  cares about u are as follows.

(1)He is tired of ur unreasonable demands:look ladies, every productive man would always want to associate with ladies that are productive in life. No man wants unnecessary financial burdens that are wasteful and unaccounted for. Every responsible man would often be proud of the success recorded by his woman. As this affords him the mindset to build more sufficient ego around her and her landmarks achievements.   He will be come so excited to introduce her to his families and friends. In this regards, every of his futuristic plans will certainly incorporate u because he see, s u as a product and a success magnet not the other way round.

(2)stop asking guys for an ordinary recharge cards. This is another mistakes many young ladies do during their formative stage in a relationship. To me, it is Carlos , unreasonable, irresponsible, and poor vision for a girl who is building up a relationship with a guy to start asking for a recharge card often. Are u among those that the moment his set phone rings and he finds out ur the one calling and he will just conclude that ur only calling to demand for a recharge card? This is ridiculously repugnant by all standards . common, give ur self a self respect as a woman of substance women often claims to be! I can't beat my imagination dating a big girl who is driving exotic cars still demanding for a recharge card from a guy? This is the high level of absurdity one could ever imagine. Instead of asking him for recharge card, why don't u ask him to do some money transfer so u can use the said money to buy ur self cards and other things . in doing that, such man would know ur a big girl not a street hooligan.

(3)stop visiting him unannounced. Trust me, every relationship demand some level of space. Give him some space. Don't stock him often, make ur self an essential commodity and he will come begging for ur presence. Men generally do not like women that are all over him all the time. If u don't have any financially rewarding job, pls try and form to be busy for him and he will long for ur presence. Visiting a guy unannounced is dangerously disturbing . many lives has been lost as a result of this singular factor . many relationship has been broken as a result of this. Many relationship has been staggering to reclaim her lost peaceful and healthy relationship as a result of this . learn how to inform him before visiting. Don't barge into his home unannounced. Give ur self some responsible sense not irresponsible behaviors that could trigger violence and endangered ur life on the spot.

(4)build ur relationship with him with trust. Do u know that many high society ladies do not trust any guy in any relationship? Instead, they will use one nonsensical Maxine that all men are the same. My dear, if all men are the same, why chosen him in the first place among others? For the fact u accepted his advances over u, u must learn to trust him. For the fact that ur friend joy was used and dumped by her ex, doesn't mean such can also be applicable to ur building up relationship. Try and find out why joy, s ex dumped her and learn to modify such behavioral abnormality to suit ur nascent relationship to a healthy relationship if truly u love him.

(5)stop asking him to buy u weavon that is expensive. Ladies, this is where many responsible men do their proper assessment to ascertain the authencity of ur true love for him. Look, no real woman would ask her man to buy her weavon worth 400 thousand naira when u know such man who is a millionaire does not have at least 20 million naira in his account . therefore when u places such demands, he see, s u as one who is extravagant in spending. Come to think of it, what would make a jobless girl with no source of income to make such a stupid demand? Look ladies, if u place a demand to him to assist u open a business for u with nice business articulated plans, he will began to perceive u as a responsible lady and one who can build a good family. Therefore, he will do everything within his financial jurisdiction to raise such funds for u. I think is high time ladies begin to do some cognitive re-sensitization in building any healthy relationship.
Every single minutes lost in a relationship with the man, is a severe waste of time for the ladies due to their biological clock. As for those who now see, s relationship break up from any man , as an attitude for not been taking nonsense from any guy, is nothing but a huge ignorance because ur life mustn't be centered on jumping from one relationship to another. U have to get settled and start up a family. Don't be gullible to some of this high class ladies who will come on social media to tell u that marriage is not  their problem. Yet when they finds a suitor, they quickly jump on it and says yes I do .
The possibilities for every liberation, starts with self librations.
My name is Clifford igwe, aka cliff dboss. A prolific writer, motivational speaker, event mc, movie directors producer, exponent introduction to political psychology, author "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. U can also visit my YouTube channel @mr and Mrs democracy production. There, u can watch some of my movies. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. For more info,


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...