Poverty they say, is the greatest malady that can befall a man. The poor are capable of unlimited evil. Gift to a man who have poor vision and lack of financial resources a paltry sum of twenty thousand naira to commit any crime against humanity, he will gladly accept such offers in order to keep body and soul together. Poverty is essentially caused due to lack of vision and inability to manage what ever at the custody for a better future. Believe it or leave it, it is unarguably correct that the poor consumes more food unwisely than some of the richest men in our society. My dear, one faithful day, my friends and I decided to visit one of the local food vendor here in Lekki Lagos state after having a break from my movie location! dear friends, come and see what this poor man has placed as an orde for his food consumption ! He arrogantly ordered the lady selling the food, to get him rice,beans, plantain, roundabout, cow beef, pomo, and one bottle of big coke. To my greatest amazement, within the period of 2 minutes, this man had emptied the plate of food and requested for an extra food. By the time he has finished eating his public meal, he gently asked for his bills. Dear friends, his bills summed up to 1,500 naira.he began to shout!madam u want to do me wayo abi? When did I eat up to 1,500 naira meal just now? Madam this is the only money I made this morning which presumably is my daily pay for my job and I intend to spend just five hundred naira and go home with one thousand naira to feed my family! He asked the madam to break down his meal request one after the other claiming to be completely confused. Dear friends, when the madam finally broke down his meal bills Evey thing summed up to 1,650 Naira which was different from her initial calculations. Come and see this said man shouting! Finally he reluctantly paid his bills and left home with nothing incurring more debt to him self. At that point in time, so many things began to dribble on my mind.asking my self several unanswered questions! I now came to a definitive conclusion that poverty is nothing but ignorance and lack of vision. A man with visions spends wisely, a man with visions consumes his food moderately for another day, a man with visions make savings to enable him get to his dreams destination, a man with visions, suffers his present to get a better future, A man with visions thinks before he acts. The rich are not rich because they are destined to be rich! But The rich are smart workers not hard workers, the rich are sacrificial givers, the rich are consistent in what ever they do, the rich saves for the raining day, the rich are focused to what ever they believed in, the rich get themselves associated with their class for more business knowledge and ideas. A certain author once said"is better to be in the midst of the giant when u are a dwarf, rather than been a giant in the midst of a dwarf. What this means is that, when u found ur self been a giant in the midst of a dwarf, they will surely drag u to their level of poverty, poor reasoning, poor knowledge etc. But when u are a dwarf in the midst of a giant, they will surely drag u up to their level of giant. How do we reduce poverty in our society to the bearest minimum ? Poverty is never a dead sentence, but a common mistakes made through poor decisions that can be corrected if the mindset is trained to function effectively in doing what is right for the attainment of personal growth and development for the societal benefits. The rich ones in the society are human just like the poor ones! They did not have extra 46 chromosomes just to make them became superhuman for success., they are successful because they planned their lives to the destination u see them enjoying today. They denied themselves many unwanted and distracted pleasures that can endanger their movement to the greater heights. Dear friends, don't be afraid of failure to do what ever u believed in, failure is not a yardstick for poverty,but lack of doggedness, lack of consistency, lack of courage, and lack of friends with good visiion who pursues their visions effortlessly, is the only causes of ur poverty. A wise man turns a forest into a beautiful city, while a fool turns a beautiful city into a forest. Dear friends, no success without failure. Failure is just an edge to correct the lapeses of the past for a better future. The poor has to reconfigure their mindset that not all rich ones in the society are either a criminal, 419,prostitutes,rictualist,and drug dealers. Look let me tell u, some riches are never a component of the above enumerated. Some riches are acquired through proper planning hard work,and smart thinking. A creative mind, is an employer of labour. A dump mind, is a job seeker. Stop waiting for govt at any level to provide u a job. Instead provide ur government and her nation a job through ur intellect and creativity. Ask questions where necessary to assist u achieving ur goals. Don't be shy to approach those in the society who are made in their professions. Learn
how to save for ur visions. Start up from where there is sure possibilities. Disassociate ur self from every unproductive friends.think big, work big, and become big. The ability to become poor or rich, rest upon our human decisions.man is the architect of his own misfortunes. Don't blame any body for ur misfortunes. Failure to me is an eye opener to greater opportunities and progress.
Re-engineer ur effort for success and the sky will be ur limit.
Every individual is an embodiment of purpose and God, s fulfilment. Be wise.
My name is Clifford Igwe aka cliff dboss. Prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, movie producer, and the man blessed with too much knowledge. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. To watch some of my movie, visit ur YouTube, search Mr and Mrs democracy production. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and also like my videos.
For more info. Mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.co. com
Clifford .N. Igwe a.k.a CLIFF DBOSS as he is fondly called by fans and poeple around him, is a Nigeria Citizen resides in Lekki Lagos Nigeria. He was born on 7th April . He is the CEO of MR. AND MRS DEMOCRACY LIMITED of which the company is located at Lekki Lagos Nigeria.a movie producer,and a graduate of educational Psychology University of Port-Harcout Choba Rivers State Nigeria. For advertisements, sponsorship.pls call.+2347037696056
Friday, 24 April 2020
Monday, 13 April 2020
Christianity awake by"cliff dboss"
Christianity is a body of Christ not a place for unscrupulous religious elements who often uses the body of Christ to salvage personal ego and wealth acquisitions.the right time to identify fake religious leaders whose primary aims is to win several innocent souls for the devil while using Christ as a frontliner for deceptive miracles. We must as matter of fact begin to identify those religious leaders that lacks the ideas for the true revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ described in the bible .which has clearly warned and notified his people on the signs of endtime. Those religious and fake pastors with fake religious doctrine that lacks Christ exemplary life while on earth ,must be fish out. because they represent agents of darkness. The Christian faithfuls must be awake from their slumbers. They must understand that anti Christ will do everything within their jurisdiction to destroy Christianity through technological advancements.look let me open ur mind to the light of the world! There is a common maximes that says "devil is the ruler of the world. This wider spread statement is not far from the real truth. This is because ,the devil and his agents has systematically positioned themselves virtually to all the system that controls humanities.ranging from science and technology ,entertainment, academics, sports, politics and governance, medicine,and even the body of Christ. However, all this are instrument used to disregard Christ and his doctrine. They creates social media to win more souls to the devil. We haven't asked ourseves the true meaning of lol. Lol simply means Lucifer our Lord. Many of us think lol means laugh out loud. As been deceived by the agents of darkness. The anti Christ already have every of our information to their custody! The phone we used have finger print on them, face print identification, etc. What about the password we used to open our emails, phones, and our computer systems?all this are instruments used by the anti Christ to win more souls for the devil. Therefore, when the agents of devil intend to deal with the children of God, they used those information donated to them by u to destroy humanities. The Bible said the devil only came to steal and to destroy. When we talk about entertainment, agents of the devil are controlling it because they are at the helm of affairs of men. When we talk about sports, they are the heads over there and dictates who excel in that profession,when we talk about the medical sector, the agents of the devil are ruling over humanities,when we talk bout politics and governance,they are ruling us over there!they teaches them on how to be wicked to the people they govern, make lives unbearable to those who refuses to join their devilish crusude. When we talk About science and technology, the agents of darkness rules over there as well as make them to come up with technologies that kills humans at their own will for sacrifice. Even in our religious body of Christ, they are gradually taking over! This is the overt reasons some pastors are saying 5G technology is anti Christ, and others are saying is good for humanity without looking at the medical effect such tech can cause to the human body. In this regard, I concur with u that the agents of darkness are controlling our physical world of realism .we the Christian faithfuls must be awake to challenge them with our God given knowledge, wisdom and the love of Christ by striving to manufacture those things the anti Christ are manufacturing against humanities.but ours to to salvage humanities from the hands of the wicked souls that represents agents of darkness. No body had ever asked about the negative effects of all this scientific advancements? The truth is that,it has caused the world more harm than good.whats wrong with we the Christian faithfuls that we lack unity of purpose? What's wrong with our religious leaders fighting over church headship instead of fighting against the enemies of Christ? What's wrong with our christiandom that all that matters now is money, tithes and offerings Instead of preaching the love of Christ and salvation? What's wrong with we Christian that we allowed unbelievers to take over all the public and private sectors while tagging those sectors as been for those that do not know God? What's wrong with our Christian bodies that we have suddenly losed our faith in Christ? What's wrong with we Christians that all we now preach is grace but refused to practice the christ-like behaviours while on earth? What's wrong with our Pentecostal pastors who now compete for the owner of the biggest church in the world yet pullute the same auditorium with evil practices? What's wrong with our religious leaders doing everything possible to bring down their promising collugues in the ministry? What's wrong with our religious leaders who often reserved seats for our corrupt politicians at the expense of the true worshippers of Christ who comes to church very early and met empty seats reserved for our corrupt politicians who siphon our national patrimony for selfish reasons? What's wrong with our Christian bodies who have suddenly became a segregationist to other church denomination even when We all claimed to be worshiping the same God?this is the right time for all Christian leaders across the globe coming together to championing unison pursuit for the love of Christ?this is the time to work together as a body of Christ to challenge the enemy of Christ through national prayers and global promogaltion of our Lord Jesus Christ and his exemplary doctrines.
If we the Christians are united, there is no fight we can't win. We serve a living God who is a victorious fighter! Just wanna say am glad we did celebrated the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ even when the enemy of Christ came up with convid-19 to charter this important day for all Christians. The word of our Lord Jesus is quite unveiling even right here before us.
dont give up my brothers and sisters.
My name is Clifford Igwe, aka cliff dboss.
Motivational speaker, event Mc, prolific writer,exponent of political psychology, author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. For more info. Mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.co. com
If we the Christians are united, there is no fight we can't win. We serve a living God who is a victorious fighter! Just wanna say am glad we did celebrated the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ even when the enemy of Christ came up with convid-19 to charter this important day for all Christians. The word of our Lord Jesus is quite unveiling even right here before us.
dont give up my brothers and sisters.
My name is Clifford Igwe, aka cliff dboss.
Motivational speaker, event Mc, prolific writer,exponent of political psychology, author of"introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom. Title given to me by my fans across the globe. For more info. Mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.co. com
Saturday, 4 April 2020
Post-corona-virus effect on the Nigeria citizens by"cliff dboss"
Corona-virus is an epidemic disease that has destroyed many lives across the globe.however, this is nothing but a ploy by the enemies of the church whose only purpose is to exterminate Christianity to nothing but a state of global opriubrum where christain faithfuls will no longer have any atom of faith in Christ and join what ever they believed can salvage their excruciating suffering introduced by the forces of darkness. Having properly observed the speed in which this virus has traveled to destroy humanity, it becomes evidently factual to say that ,the overall purpose occassioned by this virus, is to keep the Christian faithfuls out of public gathering in propagating the gospel of Christ. The question is, was it only the Christians that where affected by this virus?the answer is no! Certainly every religion was badly affected in one way or the other! But the ontological truth still remains.in every act, there are protoplasmic variables that initiated and controlled such act. From my own point of view as well trained psychologist who often study situations of things before arriving at a definitive conclusion,I hereby, make it abundantly clear to those who cares to listen, that the primary objective for this corna-virus introduced to the world by the enemy of Christ, is to dislodge all Christian faithfuls from celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Easter day! Trust me, after easter day been 12th of April, the virus will vanish before the end of April like a vapor in the air. Dear friends, this is the time to know and hold our Lord Jesus Christ strongly faithful for protecting us from the hands of the Antichrist whose primary objectives is to control humanities dance to their dictates and then usher in their satanic means of identification against those that are true worshippers of Christ. Now looking at the Nigerian govt and how president buhari and other states government has controlled this covid-19 pandemic,one would ask ,if truly we have leaders democratically elected by the people? One would ask,if really our political leaders have any sense of direction? One would ask, if our political leaders cares about the emotional and psychological well-being of the people under their care? One would ask if truly our political leaders wants to ameliorate poverty and crimes tendencies in our society with their inept policies that lack human face? Look, no responsible government would ask her citizens to sit at home without parliative measures to cushion the negative effect such policies could cause to her citizens!asking the Nigerian populace to sit at home to avoiding the wider spread of the convid-19, was never a bad policies at all!but the resultant of that policy to the people,s emotional, psychological, and their financial wel-being,is paramount. No responsible father will look his child in the room without providing him all the basic necessities to make life comfortable for such child! We are wailing day in day out concerning leadership failure in every spectrum of the society in our country, yet we gladly shower praises on those whose wicked policies has crippled businesses, destroyed ethnic hegemony, destroyed our nacent democracy, and brought governance to irraparable damage. This portend a great danger to our unborn generations. It is sincerely sacrosanct to visualize how the next governance after pmb may leaves office and how it will look like! The next governance will surly build from pmb, s despotic pattern of governance, flagrant to court orders, religious sentiment,and tribal bigotrism. Pmb, s govt is setting a very bad precedence from the judicial arms, legislative arms, and the executive arms. The enterference characterized by this govt to other arms of govt, is unforgettable and indelibly historic.
Looking at the disbursement for the federal govt cash transfer to Nigerians and it's partiality, it is uncontestably Carlos to say that the said money will only be paid to the poorest and most vulnerable Nigerians. For cry out loud, this is the highest level of impunity that has characterized pmb, s govt. The essence for this unreasonable excuses to disburse this money to the most poorest and most vulnerable people in the country is to Favour the northern states while the southern state will be left uncartered for. Pmb, s govt,realizing that many of the northern citizens, do not have any valid bank account for such transactions not to talk of bvm, they resulted to this cheap method of favouring the north. And I ask this question?the money donated for this convid-19 to the Nigerian govt, was it only donated by the northern millionaires or billionaires? The answer is no! The truth is that the said money was donated by rich and wealthy Nigerians across the 6 geo-political religions. Look,this pmb, s govt must learn to accept the tenets that makes a democratic institution appears somewhat a comfortable ground for her citizens. Irrespective of our religion, social class, ethnic differences etc. Is this government considering how much that has been lost by some industry key players ranging from entertainment, businesses, sports, etc? For cry out loud,am going to lose millions of naira if this issues of social distance occasioned by the convid-19 is not been reversed before 12th day of April! The likes of Ay lives show, will also suffer from this global inflicted disease that has restricted people from social gathering! What is our government doing to assist her citizens for this damages?we haven't ask our selves why this present govt is not doing anything to help the entertainment sector in Nigeria. That is because,it didn't favour the north. All we hear day in day out from this govt is to persuade her citizens to go into agriculture. Simply because,it favours the north. We must tell ourselves some hard truth if this country must be united and move forward! This injustice must stop. All we need is an egalitarian society. All we need, is good governance, all we need is an intelligent leadership, all we need, is a true democrat, all we need, is a positive leader that will drive our economy to the path of growth and development in every areas of human endeavors.
Love it, or shun it, Jesus Christ is Lord.
My name is Clifford Igwe, aka cliff dboss. Prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.
For more info. Mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.co. com
Looking at the disbursement for the federal govt cash transfer to Nigerians and it's partiality, it is uncontestably Carlos to say that the said money will only be paid to the poorest and most vulnerable Nigerians. For cry out loud, this is the highest level of impunity that has characterized pmb, s govt. The essence for this unreasonable excuses to disburse this money to the most poorest and most vulnerable people in the country is to Favour the northern states while the southern state will be left uncartered for. Pmb, s govt,realizing that many of the northern citizens, do not have any valid bank account for such transactions not to talk of bvm, they resulted to this cheap method of favouring the north. And I ask this question?the money donated for this convid-19 to the Nigerian govt, was it only donated by the northern millionaires or billionaires? The answer is no! The truth is that the said money was donated by rich and wealthy Nigerians across the 6 geo-political religions. Look,this pmb, s govt must learn to accept the tenets that makes a democratic institution appears somewhat a comfortable ground for her citizens. Irrespective of our religion, social class, ethnic differences etc. Is this government considering how much that has been lost by some industry key players ranging from entertainment, businesses, sports, etc? For cry out loud,am going to lose millions of naira if this issues of social distance occasioned by the convid-19 is not been reversed before 12th day of April! The likes of Ay lives show, will also suffer from this global inflicted disease that has restricted people from social gathering! What is our government doing to assist her citizens for this damages?we haven't ask our selves why this present govt is not doing anything to help the entertainment sector in Nigeria. That is because,it didn't favour the north. All we hear day in day out from this govt is to persuade her citizens to go into agriculture. Simply because,it favours the north. We must tell ourselves some hard truth if this country must be united and move forward! This injustice must stop. All we need is an egalitarian society. All we need, is good governance, all we need is an intelligent leadership, all we need, is a true democrat, all we need, is a positive leader that will drive our economy to the path of growth and development in every areas of human endeavors.
Love it, or shun it, Jesus Christ is Lord.
My name is Clifford Igwe, aka cliff dboss. Prolific writer, motivational speaker, event Mc, exponent of political psychology, author of "introduction to political psychology, and the man blessed with too much knowledge and wisdom.
For more info. Mrandmrsdemocracy@gmail.co. com
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