Tuesday, 30 April 2019

steps to follow in pursuing for ur career dream.

There are several steps to undertake while pursuing for that ur dream career!
The steps to take are enormous but we shall dwell on the following:
(1)in pursuing for  that ur dream careers, u must be ready to make sacrifices: sacrifice, is the mental and physical abilities to give all that u hav as most precious thing u hav in ur possession to let go, in getting to achieve that ur career dream.
(2)u must learn how to be patience while pursuing for ur career .
(3)u must learn how to be  tolerant while pursuing for that dream.
(4)u must learn how to identify those who are key players in the industry to help u build up that  ur dream career.
(5)u need to invest for the overall interest of that ur dream career and how to achieve it with hardwork.
(6)u need to attain to seminars or conferences that will benefit ur knowledge and experience to know more about ur jobs or career descriptions and is loses and the benefits that is  accrued to that ur dream career.
(7)u need to do what others in ur fields of career never did in order to make ur brand look very unique and different from others who where there before u got started!my name is Clifford igwe. AKA cliffdboss. A political psychologist, Event MC,motivational speaker, the exponent of political psychology. And the author of"introduction to political psychology
For more info.superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

2face,s wife,Annie Idibia and 2face baby mama,pero at potential beef!see their post.

"my blood not here but from heaven" porn star

re are even theories that aliens carried out experiments with humans, mixing DNA and things like this. As a result, some people are Rh-negative. “(Extraterrestrial life) has always interested me, and I believe that they are living among us, although I have never been to outer space.”

It’s not the first time that the porn star has pledged her allegiance to the dark side. Earlier this year, the self-titled ‘Goddess of Death’ and ‘Witch of Satan’ started her own satanic cult – the Sabrok Legion.

According to the porn star, other believers could learn to speak with the dead and cast love charms when signing up for the cult. She said at the time: “I was an atheist, but I started to do things with Our Lady of Holy Death and it felt good so I got into a cult and later had ideas of a satanic church.

“I then set up the ‘Sabrok Legion’ because voices told me to launch a black magic cult linked to Satanism and Saint Death.” The beauty has reportedly undergone countless surgeries in an attempt to have the world’s biggest bum.


Yea.we hav finally discovered anew academic voyage called "introduction to political psychology, with the aims to reconfigurate our political space in achieving qualitative Democratic governance. for the development of our immediate environment for a healthy society.However, This new set of academic discipline, will generally pursue human-political development that will dissipate poor leadership -poor political behavior that has defiled appreciable bilateral relationship in fostering substantial peace and tranquility for the overall interest of the larger society. This new academic knowledge however, is been set up to tackle every forms of human rights violations, injustice, despotism, poor leadership status quo, bribery, political-leadership criminalism,gerontocratic leadership,and unacceptable performance and practices in leadership. Political psychology, as an academic discipline, will work towards providing an adequate frame work in ameliorating every forms of leadership inadequacies that has deferred from achieving qualitative and exemplary leadership styles for the overall leadership development of our new political young  stars in achieving a prosperous political leadership from our present day crops of political elite.This however, will assiduously work in tandem with what we call political counseling,in offering guidance and counseling to some of our politicians who may be having some personal issues arising from childlessness, wayward children, martial crisis,family irreconcilable difference, poor knowledge of political portfolio activities, poor political usage or choice of words to the public, Reckless spending of public coffers for personal usage,undisclosed personal pathology, and  religous bigotries.However, all this are some of the immediate problems that personally affects our political office holders that needs serious counseling attention for a solutions gears.in this regard,if all this problems that affects our political office holders are left unsolved and unattended for,it will surely hamper good leadership and its developmental dividends for societal growth. Politicians are also humans with flesh and blood that runs through their veins like the ordinary persons in the street.They also hav various problem like u and I.they also falls sick like u and I.they also face family challenges too.but in all of this,their personal problem may degenerate into a national problem if they are not sound or in the right frame of mind to take any urgent national decisions.now,this is where political psychology comes in ,to usher to them, some useful counseling that will enable our political leaders discharge their leadership civics responsibilities with a sound mind as well as make some deferrals where such problem is beyond the scopes of political counseling. Having given a details explanations of what the society intends to benefit for this new academic knowledge to be offered as a course of study in all the higher institution across the globe to educate the present  and the aspiring political youngsters to hav a detail knowledge in politics and leadership for the overall interest of the common man which is nothing but positive development in every facets of governance and human-material development. My name is Clifford igwe.A political psychologist and the exponent of political psychology. Events MC,the author of "introduction to political psychology. For more info.superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

wickedness! see how a man blocked his friend from traveling to Zimbabwe just because he supported president Muhammadu Buhari during the last election.

A Twitter user, exposed how police had sex with the newly arrested Abuja club stripers and promised to expose video soon.

Omo see foolishness! A 100 level uniport student took her life with sniper due to heart break from boyfriend!

 It really astonished me when ever I hear that a certain female gender,took her own life just because one foolish boy who does not care about ur emotions, breaks ur heart.this is completely absurd. This is an ignominy in a highest order!now,look how this pretty aspiring damsel whose father was the fmr deputy governor of Oyo state,personally took sniper to end her life just because one uncultured and a Rascal of a boyfriend, Arrogantly left her for another girl.I tell our young girls often that any man who lefte u for another girl,is not worth thinking for,nor sensing his existence. No man would leave any girl he truly loves for another woman no matter the level of the irreconcilable difference that may portends a serious breakup. For those I may had broken their heart,am really sorry because I never loved u in the first place!all we did was just fun and nothing but fun.

Nigerian OAP,Destiny AMaka drops hot pictures.

Destiny Amaka is a Nigerian OAp who works with Wetv which is a sister station to Wazobia FM.she is a British returnee whose passion for TV presentation is so superb. She has been doing her TV presentation work diligently. Now let me tell u a little story when I met this lady for the first time!lol.there was a day I went to submit my proposal to the office of one of the Wazobia on air personality. His name is Yaw Yaw.however, I was seeking for partnership from his entertainment company for hosting my upcoming show then in 2016.now I saw this young lady coming out from the office to the reception room where I was apparently seated waiting for YAw to come and speak to me.Behold my dear,this young lady was looking at me as if I was an edibles for consumption! She amorously looked at me to the extent I became so uncomfortable! What I saw in her eyes that day was nothing but love!but she does not even know how to approach me.so she called the receptionist aside and was asking her who I was!lol.that was my first encounter with this young OAP Destiny Amake.

Davido,drops love letter to his girlfriend.

Happy Birthday TO THE LOML  @thechefchi It’s your Birthday All week !!?? WHERE WE GOING ??!! God bless you for me ! Can never Imagine Spending the Rest of life With any one ELSE !! I love you BABY !! GREAT THINGS AHEAD !! Davido wrote

wow!see Banky w and his wife Adesuwa Etomi,now ready to welcome their first child!

Wow Banky W and his wife is expecting their first child!Banky w and his actress wife,Adesuwa got married some years back and went for a honeymoon in Dubai where Mr Banky mistakingly uploaded the naked video of his pretty wife which went viral and received a lot of media lasheses for such an unpleasant act!

Monday, 29 April 2019


When ever u find  passion, There must be a reward system that galvanized ur efforts into a great deals of reward. Talents without reward will always creates room for laziness and total abstinence. We all work to make a living not making passion for a living. Therefore, passion is a driver that transport u to earn a living as well as pay bills.show me a man who work for just passion with out earnsmeet,he will surely die with a disgraceful legacies. People are not interested with what u do,people are only interest with the financial success of what u did with the works of ur hand not just for passion alone.many idle mind,will tell u how one can work for passion which is absolutely inconsistency with the reality.. The reality of live,is full of a panoramic view of ur life time achievements. which is often times capitalized on financial reward system.how can a man vigorously pursues for his dream without  a substance? Can any man achieve dreams and visions without any capital investment? Can any passion for any career strives without financial reward to make any headway?can any passion sustain a building up career without any financial receipt at the end of the physical months, Days,weeks,or annually? We all,must not be too economical with the truth.the worst forms of deception is when u can not identify  the great difference between white and black even when u are not partially blind!every body is a carrier of aspirations and visions. But what makes any visions to blossom and stand taste of time,is the reward system that motivates ur weakened capacity for continuations. Human passion, is unproductive when such passion can not propels u to fits into the competitive material world. Any passion that can not pay ur bills,is not really making sense at all.no man calls him self an entertainer with out benefit.the real essence  u entertain people, is to use ur giftset or God giving talents to make ur Audience look happy and forgets about their emotional challenges that may break them down for a moment. We must all hav passion to start up that ur prospective career.But we must also learn to make our career passions to become possessions for our material needs.my name is Clifford igwe.Aka cliffdboss. Motivational speaker, Events MC,The political psychologist, the exponent of political psychology.and the author of"introduction to political psychology. For .ore info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

Sunday, 28 April 2019


Yea.we hav finally discovered anew academic voyage called "introduction to political psychology, with the aims to reconfigurate our political space in achieving qualitative Democratic governance. for the development of our immediate environment for a healthy society.However, This new set of academic discipline, will generally pursue human-political development that will dissipate poor leadership -poor political behavior that has defiled appreciable bilateral relationship in fostering substantial peace and tranquility for the overall interest of the larger society. This new academic knowledge however, is been set up to tackle every forms of human rights violations, injustice, despotism, poor leadership status quo, bribery, political-leadership criminalism,gerontocratic leadership,and unacceptable performance and practices in leadership. Political psychology, as an academic discipline, will work towards providing an adequate frame work in ameliorating every forms of leadership inadequacies that has deferred from achieving qualitative and exemplary leadership styles for the overall leadership development of our new political young  stars in achieving a prosperous political leadership from our present day crops of political elite.This however, will assiduously work in tandem with what we call political counseling,in offering guidance and counseling to some of our politicians who may be having some personal issues arising from childlessness, wayward children, martial crisis,family irreconcilable difference, poor knowledge of political portfolio activities, poor political usage or choice of words to the public, Reckless spending of public coffers for personal usage,undisclosed personal pathology, and  religous bigotries.However, all this are some of the immediate problems that personally affects our political office holders that needs serious counseling attention for a solutions gears.in this regard,if all this problems that affects our political office holders are left unsolved and unattended for,it will surely hamper good leadership and its developmental dividends for societal growth. Politicians are also humans with flesh and blood that runs through their veins like the ordinary persons in the street.They also hav various problem like u and I.they also falls sick like u and I.they also face family challenges too.but in all of this,their personal problem may degenerate into a national problem if they are not sound or in the right frame of mind to take any urgent national decisions.now,this is where political psychology comes in ,to usher to them, some useful counseling that will enable our political leaders discharge their leadership civics responsibilities with a sound mind as well as make some deferrals where such problem is beyond the scopes of political counseling. Having given a details explanations of what the society intends to benefit for this new academic knowledge to be offered as a course of study in all the higher institution across the globe to educate the present  and the aspiring political youngsters to hav a detail knowledge in politics and leadership for the overall interest of the common man which is nothing but positive development in every facets of governance and human-material development. My name is Clifford igwe.A political psychologist and the exponent of political psychology. Events MC,the author of "introduction to political psychology. For more info.superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

Saturday, 27 April 2019


Poor Judgements,creates depression, poor judgement, creates low self esteem.poor judgment, constitutes crisis and mental breakdown. Do u know that some people are only good in poor judgment of something they do not ever know about?Do u know that some people are good in taking poor judgment with out given a fair hearing from the accused? Do u know that some people just hav unrestricted talent in spreading fake news or rumors? Do u know that some people placed judgement on ur person, on the basis of what other people feels or says about u even when they had never come in contact with u personally?now,let me tell u this!if u are among those whose talent is only to bring people down with ur fake news against any of ur perceived enemy u never met,u are irrationally uncultured. I some times,Humor at people who oftentimes, passionately speak evil of something they can not holistically give an explanations of !we all need to be very careful the way and manner we often times react or spread fake news.fake news sales more faster than any pleasant news because many people do not pray for ur success but ur downfall. People who spreads fake news are unintelligibly poor researchers that can not go further to verify the authenticity of any news through proper research. People only Google to hear bad news against any celebrity just to mock at their famous status. We all need to kill every available means of spreading fake news that lack proper verifiable evidence.when ever we spread fake news,we put the society at large in a great jeopardy that can degenerate into societal decay of positive vibes that can literally initiate visible development at all levels of human endeavors. We must do all that we can to completely decimate every forms of fake news,Be it in the social media,Radio houses or TV stations and internet hugwashers.no country can survive any forms of unity in the faces of serial and unpalatable fake news.my name is Clifford igwe.AKA cliffdboss.Event MC.the exponent of political psychology. The author of "introduction to political psychology. For more info:superstarcliff306@gmail. Com

Wow!singer ,Yemi Alade suffering from motion picture.

wow!nollywood Actress, Adora Okoh releases sultry pictures for her birthday!

Eldris Elba marries in a secret marriage!see pictures to confirm it!

Halima Abubakar,Blasted by fans for bleaching her black skin.


re many nigerians are hypocritical in their behaviours as such,shouldn't be taking serious when it comes to comenting  on national issue...